Electrical Engineering ⇒ Topic : Approximate Voltage Drop in a Transformer
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APPROXIMATE VOLTAGE DROP IN A TRANSFORMER During no-load condition, V1 is approximately equal to El and 0V2 = E2 where 0V2 indicates no-load terminal voltage of the secondary. 0V2 is also equal to E1/a, i.e., equal to Vita. When secondary is loaded, let the secondary terminal voltage be V2. The difference between V2 and 0V2 is the voltage drop across equivalent impedance in secondary, i.e., /2Ze2 shown in Figure (a).
Figure (a) Phasor diagram of a transformer referred to secondary In Figure (a), Re2 and Xe2 are the equivalent resistance and reactance, respectively referred tosecondary side. With 0 as centre, an arc is drawn in Figure (a) which intersects the extended OA at H. From C, a perpendicular is drawn on OH which interests it at G. Now, AC = AH represents the actual drop and AG represents the approximate voltage drop. BF is drawn perpendicular to OH from B. BE is drawn parallel to AG. The approximate voltage drop is written as ................. (1) ................. (2) ................. (3) | |
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