Electrical Engineering ⇒ Topic : Ohmmeter
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Ohmmeter A device that measures the resistance directly is called an ohmmeter. The simplest direct reading ohmmeter is the basic series ohmmeter circuit shown in Fig. a (i). It consists of a permanent magnet moving coil (PMMC) instrument in series with a battery and a rheostat R. Note that A and B are the terminals of ohmmeter figure (a) (1) With terminalsA and B shorted together, R is adjusted for full-scale deflection (f.s.d.). Since terminals A and B are shorted, the ohmmeter should read zero resistance. Thus as shown in Fig. a (ii), the full-scale deflection should read zero resistance. (2) When terminals A and B are open-cricuited, the pointer should indicate infinity Therefore, zero deflection point on the scale is marked as infinite resistance. [See Fig. a (ii)]. (3) When an unknown resistance Rx is connected to terminals A and B, the meter current Im is Since the value of Im is more than zero and less than Ig (f.s.d.), the meter will give a reading between zero and infinity Thus the value of unknown resistance Rx can be determined. Note. The circuit shown in Fig. a (i) relies upon battery voltage remaining absolutely constant. When the battery terminal voltage falls (as they all do with use), the instrument scale is no longer accurate. Thus some means of adjusting for battery voltage variations must be built in the circuit | |
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