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c, C (Q), C Band, C Connector, C di, C of A, C Rate, C&A, C&a, C&E, C&LAT, C&m, C&W, C(base GD)=, C(base GS), C.V., C/A, C/C, C/N, C/W, C´uk converter, C-130, C-141, C-17, C2, C-21, C-27, C2-attack, C2CRE, C2E, C2iedm, C2IP, C2IPS, C2P, C2-protect, C2ra, C2S, C-2X, C3, C3AG, C3AT, C3CM, C3I, C3IC, C3SMP, C4, C4 systems, C4CM, C4I, C4i, C4IFTW, C4isr, C4S, C-5, Ca, CAA, CAAC, CAAF, CAAP, CAB, CABE, CABG, CABI, Cabinet, cable, Cable And Wire Marker, Cable Assembly, Cable Box, Cable Carrier, Cable Channel, Cable Chute, Cable Clamp, Cable Cleaner, Cable Compression Gland, Cable Coolant Hose, Cable Coupler, Cable Cutter, Cable Distribution Network Operator, cable ducting, Cable Entry Box, Cable Entry Tubes, Cable Gland, Cable Glands, Cable Harness, Cable Head-End, Cable Heat Shrink, Cable Jacket, Cable Joint Kit, cable ladder, cable limiter, Cable Lugs, Cable Markers, Cable Modem, Cable Pulling Lubricant, Cable Sheath, Cable Splitter, Cable System, Cable Television, Cable Television Channel Classes, cable tray, cable trunking, cable tunnel, Cable-Based LAN, Cabled Dwelling, Cables Marine Cable, Cabling, Cabling System, CAC, CACCI, CA-Certificate, CACGP, cache, cache aliasing, cache block, cache coherence, Cache Coherency, cache hit, cache line, cache memory, cache miss, cache replacement, cache synonym, cache tag, CACOM, CACTIS, CAD, CAD CAM Design, CAD Conversion, CAD Service, CAD Software, CAD/CAM Software, Cad-bury, CADD, Cadmium, Cadmium (Cd), Cadmium Telluride, Cadmium telluride (CdTe), Cadmium Telluride Photovoltaics, CADP, CADRS, CADS, Caec, CAeM, CAF, CAFMS, CAG, cage-rotor induction motor, CAgM, CAGO, CAGR, CAIDI, CAIFI, CAIIB, CAIMS, CAINS, CAIS, CAISE, Cake, CAL, CAL/OHSA, Cal/Val, CALA, Calandria, Calcareous Coating, Calcium, Calcium Aluminate, Calcium Chloride, Calcium Silicate, Calcium Silicide, Calcium Sulfate, Calcium Wired Injection, CALCM, CALCOFI, calculating board, calibration, calibration kits, calibration standards, CALICS, Caliper, Caliper Disc Brake, Calipers, Call, Call Accounting, Call By Value, Call Detail Recording, call instruction, Call Request Packet, Call Setup Time, Call Stream, Call User Data, Called Channel, Called Party Hold, Calling Station, CALMS, CALO, Calorie, calorie (cal), Calorific Value, Calorifiers, calorimeter, CAM, Cam Chain, Cam Follower, CAM Grinder, Cam Ground Piston, Cam Lobe, CAM Machining, CAMAC, Camber, Camber Angle, Camber Or Bow, Camber Thrust, Camber Tolerances, Cambridge Ring, camera, camera calibration, camera model, Camera Shutter Steel, CAMI, CAMOC, CAMP, Campaigning, CAMPCO, CAMPS, Camry, CAMS, Camshaft, Camshaft Gear, CAMT, can, CAN bus, Can Dimensions, CANA, CANADA COM, candela (cd), Candelas, Candidate Key, candle, candle power, candlepower distribution, Candlepower Distribution Curve, CANDU, Canned Air, canned magnet, Canning, Canny edge detector, Canny operator, Canon, CANR, Cantilever Brake, CANUS, CANUS BDD, CANUS CDP, CAO, CAO SOP, CAOC, CAP, capability, capability curve, capability diagram, capability list, capacitance, capacitance bridge, Capacitive Coupled Amplifier, Capacitive Coupling, Capacitive Crosstalk, Capacitive Level Sensor, Capacitive Load, Capacitive Proximity Switch, capacitive reactance, capacitively coupled current, capacitively coupled field, capacitor, capacitor bank, Capacitor Controlled Electronic Ignition, capacitor microphone, Capacitor Voltage Transformer, capacitor-start induction motor (CSIM), Capacity, Capacity Charge, Capacity Factor, capacity miss, capacity region, Capacity Stress Testing, CAPART, CAPES, Capillary Surface, Capillary Tube, Capital Expenditure, Capped Steel, CAPPI, CAPT, CAPTCHA, Captive Consumer, captive generation, captive load, capture effect, capture range, capture register, Car, CARA, carb, CARBICE, Carbide, Carbide Bit, Carbide Boring Tool, Carbide End Mill, Carbide Grinding Wheels, Carbide Tool Bit, Carbon, carbon brush, carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon dioxide laser, Carbon Dioxide Process, Carbon Equivalent, Carbon Fiber, Carbon Fiber Angles, Carbon Fiber Rod, Carbon Fiber Sheet, Carbon Fiber Tubing, Carbon Filter, Carbon Free, Carbon Mark, carbon microphone, Carbon Potential, Carbon Range, carbon resistor, carbon resistor thermometer, Carbon Restoration, Carbon Sand, Carbon Steel, carbon-film resistor, Carbonitriding, Carbonizing, Carborundum, carburetor, Carburetor Adapter, Carburetor Barrel, Carburetor Circuit, Carburetor Icing, Carburetter, Carburising Furnace, Carburizing, Carcass, carcinotron, card, card cage, Card Key Reader, Card Module/Circuit Card, Card Redundancy, Card Swipe, CARDA, Cardbus, Cardinal Constraint, cardinal series, cardinal vowel, CARDS, CARE, CARIBROC, Carl, Carnot's Cycle, CARP, Carriage, Carriage Return, Carrier, carrier amplitude, carrier concentration, carrier current communication, Carrier Detect, Carrier Failure Alarm, carrier frequency, carrier lifetime, carrier phase, Carrier Sense Multiple Access, Carrier Sense Multiple Access With Collision Detection, carrier shift, carrier signal, carrier suppression, carrier synchronization, Carrier System, Carrier to Noise Ratio, Carrier Wave, Carrierless Amplitude, carrierless amplitude/phase modulation (CAP), carrier-sense multiple access (CSMA), carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR), carrier-to-noise ratio, Carrier-To-Receiver Noise Density, carry, carry bit, carry flag, carry look-ahead adder, Carrying Capacity, CARS, CART, Carterphone Decision, cartesian co-ordinates, Cartesian product, Cartesian space, Cartesian-based control, Cartosat, Cartridge Brass, cartridge fuse, cartridge fuse link, Cartridge Heater, CARVER, CAS, CASA, CASBEE, Casca, cascade amplifier, cascade connection, cascade system, cascaded amplifier, cascode, cascode amplifier, CASE, Case Drain Line, Case File, Case Hardening, CASEVAC, CASF, Casing, Casio, CASP, CASPER, CASREP, CASREQ, CASSAD, Cast, Cast Iron, Cast Iron Fittings, Cast Steel, Cast Weld, castellation, Caster Angle, Castigated Nut, Casting, Casting Alloy, Casting Defect, Casting Drawing, Casting Layouts, Casting Yield, casual filter, cat, CAT 5 Cable, Cat 5e Cable, Cat 6 Cable, CAT I, CAT II, CAT II a, CAT3, CAT5, Cat6, catadioptric, Catalytic Converter, catastrophic code, catastrophic encoder, catastrophic error propagation, catastrophic thermal failure, CATCC, Catch Clause, catcher, Catcher Grid, Catching Exceptions, categoric input, Category 3, catenary, catenation, Catf, Cathead, Cathode, Cathode Bias, Cathode Keying, Cathode Modulator, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, cathode ray oscilloscope *CRO, Cathode Ray Tube, cathode ray tube (CRT), cathode ray tube *CRT, Cathode Sputtering, Cathode-Ray Tube, Cathodic Corrosion, Cathodic Protection, Cathodic Sodium Dichromate, cathodoluminescent, Cation, catoptric, CATS, CATV, CAU, Cauchy distribution, Caulking, Caurer filter, causal system, causality, Caustic, Cavitation, Cavitation Corrosion, Cavitation Damage, Cavity, cavity dumping, cavity lifetime, cavity ratio (CR), Cavity Resonator, cavity short, Cavity Up / Cavity Down, Cavity Wavemeter, CAVU, CAW, CAW/ESS, CAX, CB, C-B, CBA, C-band, CBBLS, CBC, CBCH, CBCID, CBCP, CBD, CBDT, CBE, CBEC, CBF, CBFC, CBFS, CBG, CBI, CBIRF, C-bit parity mode, CBLTU, CBMR, CBMU, CBO, CBOE, CBP, CBPC, CBPO, CBPS, CBR, CBRI, CBRN, CBRN CM, CBRNE, CBRT, CBS, CBSA, CBSE, CBSM, CBT, CbT-RIF, CBTZ, CBU, CBW, cc, CC&D, CC/CV charger, Cca, CCAM, CCAP, CCAQ, CCAS, CCAS-C, CCATT, CCB, CCC, CCCH, CCCN, CCCO, CCCP, CCCV, CCD, CCDB, CCDF, CCDmemory, CCDP, CCDR, CCE, CCEA, CCEB, Cceb, Ccep, CCF, CCFL, CCFT, CCG, CCGD, CCGT, CCI, CCIB, CCICA, Ccid, CCIF, CCIP, CCIR, CCIS, CCITT, Ccitt, CCITT standard, CCITT two-dimensional, CCIU, CCIW, CCJTF, CCK, CCL, CCLB, CCLI, CCM, CCM0, CCM1, CCM2, CCMB, CCMD, CCMS, CCN, CCNA, CCNP, CCO, CCOI, CCOP, CCP, Ccpc, CCPDS, CCR, CCRD, CCRS, CCS, C-CS, CCS, CCSA, CCSD, CCSDS, CCT, CCTI, ccTLD, CCTV, CCU, CCVT, CCW, CD, CD ROM, CDA, CDAC, C-DAC, CDAS, CDC, CDCR, CDD, CDDIS, Cde, CDEMA, CDERA, CDF, CDFD, CDFS, CDHAM, CDI, CD-I, CDIAC, CDIC, CDIP, CDIPO, CDLMS, CDM, CDMA, CDMGB, CDMS, CDN, CDNC, CDO, CDOC, CDOPS, CDOS, C-DOT, CDP, CDR, CD-R, CDRAFNORTH, CDRAFSOF, CDRCFCOM, CDRD, CDRESC, CDREUDAC, CDRFORSCOM, CDRG, CDRI, CDRJSOTF, CDRL, CDRMTMC, CDRNORAD, CD-ROM, CDRTSOC, Cdru, CDRUNC, CDRUSAFRICOM, CDRUSAINSCOM, CDRUSARNORTH, CDRUSCENTCOM, CDRUSCYBERCOM, CDRUSELEMNORAD, CDRUSEUCOM, CDRUSJFCOM, CDRUSNAVEUR, CDRUSNORTHCOM, CDRUSPACOM, CDRUSSOCOM, CDRUSSOUTHCOM, CDRUSSTRATCOM, CDRUSTRANSCOM, CD-RW, CdS, CDSCO, CDSL, CDSO, CDSSC, CDT, CDTE Photovoltaics, CDTI, Cdtu, CDU, CDW, Ce, C-E, CE Control, CEA, CEAREX, CEAT, CEB, CeBIT, CEC, CECOM, CEDAR, CEDDA, CEDI, CEDOK, CEDREP, CEE, CEED, CEEM, CEES, CEF, CEG, C-eg, CEH, CEHC, CEI, Ceiling Joist, CEL, C-element, Cell, Cell Barrier, Cell Junction, cell library, Cell Reversal, cell switching, Cell Voltage, cell-cycle-specific control, CELLEX, cellular automaton, cellular communications, cellular manufacturing, Cellular Network, cellular spectral efficiency, Cellular Telephone, CELP, Celp, Celsius, celsius (oC), Celsius Temperature, Celt, CEM, CEMA, CEMC, Cemcon, Cementation, Cementite, CEMIRT, CEN, CENA, CENELEC, CENELEC, CEng, CENR, CENTCOM, Center Buckle, Center Differential, Center Drill, Center Frequency, Center Gauge, Center Head, center of average, Center Of Buoyancy, center of gravity method, Center of Gravity(Mass Centre), center of projection, Center Punch, Center Steering Linkage, center tap, center tapped rectifier, center tapped transformer, Centered Cube, Center-Feed Method, Center-Tapped Transformer, CENTI, Centigrade, Centimeter Cube, Centimetre Gram Second System, CENTO, CentOS, Central Battery Or Common Battery, central limit theorem (CLT), Central Office, Central Office Repeater, Central Power, Central Processing Unit, central processing unit (CPU), centralized arbitration, Centralized Data Processing, Centralized Lubrication System, Centralized Network, Centre Of Gravity, Centres Of Excellence, Centrifual Fan, Centrifugal Casting, Centrifugal Clutch, Centrifugal Collector, Centrifugal Compressors, Centrifugal Fan, Centrifugal Force, Centrifugal Impeller Fan, Centrifugal Mill, Centrifugal Pumps, centrifugal switch, centripetal force, CENTRIXS, Centrixs, centroid, centroid defuzzification, centroid method, centroidal profile, Centronics Interface, Centronics Parallel Interface, centrosymmetric medium, CENVAT, CEO, CEOI, CEOS, CEP, CEPA, CEPAL, CEPEX, CEPOD, cepstrum, CEPT, CEPTAM, CEQ, CER, Ceramic, Ceramic Capacitor, ceramic ferrite, Ceramic Filter, Ceramic Insulation, Ceramic Tile, Ceramic Tools, Ceramics, CERC, CERCLA, cerebellar model articulation (CMAC) network, Cerenkov counter, Cerenkov radiation, CERES, CERF, CERFP, CERGA, CERL, Cermet, CERN, CERP, CERSAI, CERSAT, CERT, certainty equivalence principle, Certification Authority, Certified Welder, Certifying Entity, CERT-In, CERTSUB, CES, CESE, CESG, Cesium, Cesium Clock, CESO, CESPG, Cess, CET, CETA, CEW, CEXC, Ceylon Electricity Board, ceylon electricity board *CEB, CF, CFA, CFACC, CFAGB, CFB, Cfbl, Cfblnet, CFC, CFC-11, CFC-113, CFC-12, CF-COP, CFD, CFEM, CFF, CFI, CFIE, CFII, Cfiog, CFIT, CFL, CFLCC, Cflcc, CFM, Cfmcc, Cfnoc, CFNR, CFO, CFPM, CFR, CFRI, CFRP, CFS, CFSL, CFSO, CFST, CFTRI, CFU, CG, CG-652, CGA, CGAS, CGAUX, CGBAPS, CGC, CGCAP, CGCG, CGCIS, CGCM, CGCP, CGDEFOR, CGED, CGES, CGFMFLANT, CGFMFPAC, CGFNS, CGHS, CGI, CGIS, CGL, CGLSMP, CGMS, CGMW, CGO, CGP, CGPA, CGPDTM, CGRF, CGRS, CGS, cgs system, *centimetre-gram-second system, CGTMSE, CGUSAREUR, CH, Ch. to Ch. Skew (Ps Max), CH.SS, CH2H2, CH3CCl3, CH3CL, CH4, CH4-C, CH-53, Chafery, chain code, Chain Drive, chain matrix, chain parameters, chain reaction, Chain Sprockets, chaining, chaining of fuzzy rules, Chair Rail, Chamfer, chamfer distance, CHAMMP, CHAMPUS, CHAN / CHNL, Change Management, Channel, channel allocation, channel architecture, Channel Associated Signaling, Channel Bank, Channel Capacity, channel code, channel coding, channel command word, channel control word, channel encoder, channel estimation, channel I/O, Channel Identifier, Channel Letter, Channel Loopback, channel matched VQ, channel measurement, Channel Message Sequence Number, channel modeling, Channel Number, channel optimized vector quantization(COVQ), channel program, channel robust vector quantization, channel robust VQ, Channel Separation, Channel Service Unit, channel sounding, channel spill, channel step, channel subsystem, Channel to Channel Skew, Channel Voice Grade, channel waveguide, channelize, Channelized, channel-to-case thermal resistance, Chans., chaos, chaotic behavior, CHAP, Chapman Strut, Character, Character Error Rate Testing, Character Interval, Character Oriented, Character Parity, character recognition, character string, Character Stuffing, Characteristic, Characteristic Angle, Characteristic Curve, Characteristic Distortion, characteristic equation, characteristic function, Characteristic Impedance, Characteristic Impedance Ratio, characteristic loci, Characteristic Strength, characterization, Characters per Second, CHARC, Charcoal Tin Plate, Charge, charge carrier, charge conservation, Charge Controller, charge current, Charge Cycle, charge density, Charge Injection, Charge Pump, Charge Quantity, Charge Rate, Charge Retention, Charge Sensitivity, Charge Termination Method, Charge-Coupled Device, charge-coupled device (CCD), charge-coupled device detector, charge-coupled-device memory, charge-spring model, Charging Assembly, Charging Circuit, charging current, Charpy Test, Chasing Threads, Chassis, Chassis Cab, Chassis Dynamometer, Chassis Ground, ChAT, Chateau, Chatter, Chatter Mark, Chatter, Contact, chattering, Chattuck coil, CHB, CHCS, CHCSS, CHD, CHDL, CHE, Chebyshev alignment, Chebyshev filter, Check Bit, Check Character, Check Digit, Check Digit Verification, Check Pointing, Check Protection System, Check Sum, Check Valve, Check Weigher, Checked Exception, checkerboarding, Checking, Checklist, checkpoint, Checkpoint Restart Procedures, checkpointing, checksum, Check-Sum, checksum character, Checkup, Chemical Analysis, chemical beam epitaxy (CBE), Chemical Bonding, Chemical Feed Pump, chemical laser, Chemical Milling, Chemical Polishing, Chemical Reaction, Chemical Resistance, Chemical Resistant Tubing, chemical sensor, Chemical Transfer Pumps, Chemical Treatment, Chemical Vapor Deposition, chemical vapor deposition (CVD), chemically amplified resist, Chemically Brightened, chemiluminescence, Chemistry, Chernobyl, Cherry Picker, CHET, Chevrolet, Chevrolet Corvette, Chevrolet Nomad, Chevrolet Type, CHG, CHGR / CHRGR, CHI, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Chill, Chilled Iron, Chilled-water System, Chiller Heaters, chip, Chip Breaker, chip carrier, chip chart, Chip Enable, Chip Enable Gating, Chip Inductor, Chip Rate, chip select, Chip Set, Chip-Enable Gating, Chipping, chip-to-chip optical interconnect, chirp, chirp function, chirp signal, Chirping, Chisel, Chlorinated Polyethylene, Chlorofluorocarbon, Chod, CHOGM, Choke, Choke Joint, Choke Stove, Choke Tube, Choker, Cholesky decomposition, Chop, chop mode, Chopped Waveform, Chopper, chopper - depth of modulation, Chopper Amplifier, Chord, Chordal Thermocouple, CHP, CHPPM, CHRIS, Christmas, chroma, Chromadizing, chromatic aberration, chromaticity, Chrome Alloy, Chrome Piston Ring, Chrome Ring, chrominance, Chrominance And Luminance Resolution, Chrominance Signal, Chromium, Chromium Nickel Steel, Chromizing, chronaxie, CHRP, Chrysler, CHS, CHSTR, CHSTREP, Chuck, Churning, CHy, CI, CI/KR, CIA, CIAL, CIAP, CIAS, CIAT, CIB, CIBIL, CIC, CICA, CICAD, CICC, CICR, CID, CIDA, CIDB, CIDC, CIDCO, CIDNE, Cidr, CIE, CIE diagram, CIEA, C-IED, Ciee, CIEFL, CIEG/CIEL, CIESIN, CIF, CIFA, CIFRI, CIG, Cigarette Knife Steel, CIHEAM, CIHO, CII, CIIR, CIL, CILO, CILSS, CIM, CIMIC, CIMO, CIMSS, CIN, Cinema Pulldown 3:2, CINOF, CIO, CIOC, CIOTA, CIP, Cipher, Cipher Machine, Cipher Text, CIPHET, Cipla, CIPSU, CIR, CIRA, CIRAC, circle detection, circle diagram, Circored, Circuit, circuit (STM), Circuit Bending, circuit breaker, Circuit Breaker(s), Circuit Discipline, Circuit Extensions, Circuit Insulation Voltage, circuit protection, circuit protective conductor *cpc, Circuit Restoration, Circuit Switched Network, Circuit Switchers, circuit switching, Circuit Theory, Circuit Voltage, Circuits And Systems, circuit-set, Circuit-Switched Digital Capability, circuit-switched service, circular cavity, circular convolution, Circular DIN, Circular Hollow Section, Circular MIL, Circular MIL-Foot, circular polarization, circular register buffer, Circular Routing, circular self-test path, circularity measure, Circularly Polarised Light, circularly polarized light, Circulating Fan, Circulator, CIRES, CIRF, CIRM, CIRT, CIRV, CIRVIS, CIS, CISAR, CISC, CISC processor, CISCE, Cisco, CISD, CISF, CISI Collection, CISO, CISPA, CISPR, CISSP, CISTI, CIT, CITE, Citizen’s band (cb), CITP, CITU, CIUS, CIV, Civil Engineer, Civil Engineering Works, CIVMAR, CIVPOL, CIWG, CJ, CJ-4, CJATF, CJB, CJC, Cjccc, CJCS, CJCSAN, CJCSI, CJCSM, CJDA, CJE, CJLOTS, CJM, Cjm3iem, CJMAB, CJMAO, CJMISTF, CJMTF, CJOC, CJSART, CJSMPT, CJTF, CJTF-CS, CJTF-NCR, C-JWICS, CKD, CKE, CKPT, CKT, CKWL, CL, CLA, Cladding, CLAES, Clam Shell, Clamper, clamping, Clamping Diode, Clamping Level, Clamshell, Clapp Oscillator, CLARET, class, CLASS, Class 5 Telephone Switch, Class A, class A amplifier, Class A Amplifier Operation, Class AB, class A-B amplifier, Class AB Amplifier Operation, Class AB Amplifiers, Class Attribute, Class B, class B amplifier, Class B Amplifier Operation, class B-D amplifier, class B-E amplifier, Class Body, Class C, class C amplifier, Class C Amplifier Operation, Class Constant, Class D, class D amplifier, class E amplifier, class E-F amplifier, class F amplifier, class fuse, Class G, class G amplifier, Class H, class H amplifier, Class Header, Class I Equipment, Class II Equipment, class III equipment, Class Index, Class Method, class S amplifier, Class Scope, Class Variable, Classification, Classification System, classified vector quantization (CVQ), classified VQ, classifier, CLASSRON, CLAT, CLAVR, Claw, CLB, CLD, CLDP, CLEA, clean cache block, Clean Electricity, Clean Power, clear, Clear Channel, Clear Text, Clear to Send, Clearance, Clearance (between objects), Clearance (for work), Clearance Space, clearing time, Clear-To-Send, Cleavage of lateral epitaxial films for transfer (CLEFT), cleaved coupled cavity, C-level, Clevis, Clevises, CLF, CLG, CLGP, CLI, CLIA, CLIC, Click And Pop, click noise, Click/Pop Reduction, Click-and-Pop, CLICOM, Client, Client Module, Client Server, Client's Private Network, CLIMAP, climbers, Clinch, Clincher Tire, Clip Angle, Clipless Pedals, Clipper, Clipper Diode, Clipping, CLIPS, CLIVAR, CLK, ClNO3, ClO, ClO2, Clock, Clock And Data Recovery, Clock Buffer, clock cycle, clock doubling, Clock Driver, clock duty cycle, Clock Error, Clock Generator, Clock Jitter, Clock Phase Slew, clock pulse, Clock Rate, clock recovery, clock replacement algorithm, Clock Signal, clock skew, clock speed, Clock Throttling, Clock, Real Time, ClONO2, Closed circuit, Closed Circuit Television, Closed Entry Contact, closed kinematic chain, Closed Loop System, Closed System, Closed User Group, closed-loop control, closed-loop DC motor acceleration, Closed-Loop Gain, closed-loop optimal control, closed-loop system, Closed-Loop Voltage Gain, Closely Synchronized Group, Closeness Of Control, closing, Closing Impulse Time, Closing Time, closing/opening filter, clothes pin, Cloud Point, CLP, CLPSB, CLPT, CLR, CLRI, CLS, CLSD, CLSS, CLT, CLUP, cluster, cluster analysis, Cluster Control Unit, Cluster Controller, Cluster Gear, Cluster Panel, clustering, Clutch, Clutch Diaphragm Spring, Clutch Disc, Clutch Explosion, Clutch Housing, Clutch Lever, Clutch Pedal, Clutch Pedal Free Travel, Clutch Pilot Bearing, Clutch Pressure Plate, Clutch Release Bearing, Clutch Release Finger, Clutch Release Lever, Clutch Semi-centrifugal Release Finger, Clutch Shaft, Clutch Solenoid, Clutch Starter Interlock, Clutch Throw-out Fork, clutter, CLX, CLZ, CM, CM R&A, CM&D, cm3, CMA, CMAA, CMAC network, C-MACCS, CMAH, CMAOC, CMAP, CMAT, CMC, CMCB, CMCC, cmd, Cmde, CMDL, CMDO, CME, CMF, CMHT, CMI, CMIE, CMIIW, cmil, CMIP, Cmip, CML, CMM, CMMA, CMMR, CMO, CMOC, CMOS, CMOSA, CMP, CMPF, CMPT, CMPTR, CMR, CMRR, CMRS, CMRT, CMS, CMSE, CMST, CMTS, CMTU, CMV, CMX, CMYK, CN, CNA, CNAC, C-NAF, CNASP, CNB, CNBC, CNBG, CNC, CNCE, CNCI, CND, CNE, CNES, CNET, CNF, CNG, CNGB, Cni, CNIC, CNM, CNMOC, CNN, CNN-IBN, CNNIC, CNO, Cnoc, CNOG, CNR, CNRET, CNRF, Cnri, Cnrmis, CNRS, Cnrwp, CNS, Cnsc, CNSG, CNTOR, CNTY, CNWDI, CO, CO Location Center, CO Ordinated, CO Polymer, CO ROUTE, CO2, CO2 laser, COA, COAA, COADS, COAI, Coal, COAMPS, COARE, Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing, coarticulation, Coast, coax, Coax Cable, Coaxial Cable, Coaxial Converter, Coaxial Line, coaxial magnetron, Coaxial Network, Coaxial Speaker, COB, COBIOTECH, COBOL, COBRA, COBUILD, COC, CO-C, Coca-Cola, Co-Channel Interference, cochannel interference (CCI), cochannel interference reduction factor \n (CIRF), cochannel reuse ratio (CRR), cochannels, cochlea, Cockroft–Walton circuit, COCO, COCOM, Cocom, COD, CODATA, Code, code acquisition, code cache, code combining, Code Conversion, code converter, Code Corrections, Code Division Multiple Access, code division multiple access (CDMA), code efficiency, code excited linear prediction (CELP), code hopping, code letter, code rate, code segment, code tracking, Code Words, codebook, codebook design, codebook generation, codebook training, CODEC, coded modulation, Code-Division Multiple Access, Coder/Decoder, Coder-Decoder, Codes, Codes, Local Electrical Codes, codeV, codeword, coding, coding at primary rates for videoconferencing, coding gain, coding of graphics, coding of line drawings, coding redundancy, CODMAC, Cods, CoE, COEDMHA, Coefficient, Coefficient of Coupling, Coefficient Of Expansion, coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch, Coefficient Of Utilization, coefficient of utilization (CU), coercive field, coercive force, coercivity, COF, COFC, COFEPOSA, Coffer, Coffin Hoist, COFMOW, COG, COGARD, COGEN, cogeneration, CO-Generation, COGEOMAP, cognitive map, COGS, Cogwheel, Coherence, coherence bandwidth, coherence distance, Coherence Function, coherence length, coherence time, coherency, Coherent, coherent acousto-optical processor, coherent detection, coherent illumination, coherent light, coherent optical communication, Coherent Oscillator, coherent population trapping, Coherent Sampling, Cohesion, COHMAP, COI, COIC, coil, Coil Loss, coil pitch, coil side, coil span, Coil Weld, Coiled Cut to Length Sheet, Coiled Sheet, COIN, Coincidence Factor, Coincidental Demand, Coincidental Peak Load, Coining, Coins, Coke, Coke Bed, Coke Breeze, Coke Oven Battery, Coke Plate, Coke Porosity, Col, COLA, Colbalt Based Superalloys, COLC, COLD, Cold Box Process, Cold Chamber Machine, Cold Coined Forging, Cold Cracking, Cold Cranking Amps, Cold Drawing, Cold Drawn Precision Tubes, Cold Finish, Cold Finished Extruded Profile, Cold Finished Profile, Cold Finished Rolled Profile, Cold Finished Steel Bars, Cold Inflation Pressure, Cold Lap, cold plasma, Cold Plate, Cold Process, Cold Reduced Strip, Cold Reduction, Cold Reduction Mill, cold reserve, Cold Roll Products, Cold Rolled Sheet, Cold Rolled Strip, Cold Rolling, Cold Rolling Mill, Cold Setting Binders, Cold Setting Process, Cold Short, Cold Shut, Cold Site, Cold Stack, cold start, cold start miss, Cold Strip Mill, Cold Work, Cold-Cathode Tube, COLDS, Cold-Weather Ballast, co-linear array, COLISEUM, Collapsed Reel, Collapsibity, collapsible reel, Collapsible Sprue, Collar, Collar Beam, Collate, Collection, Collective Cable Network, Collective Derivation, Collective Identity, Collective Installation Of The Subscriber, Collective Routing, Collector, Collector characteristic curve, Collector Main, collector wall, Collector-Injection Modulator, collet, Collet Knob, colliding-pulse-modelocked (CPM) laser, Colligation, collimated, Collimator, Collinear Array, collinear geometry acousto-optical tunable filter, collinear geometry AOTF, collision, Collision Avoidance, collision broadening, collision vector, Colloid, Colloidal Clay, Coloimetric Analysis, color, color blooming, color burst, color clipping, Color code, color coding, color correction, color difference signals, Color Etching, color graphics adapter (CGA), color image coding, color matching, color preference index (CPI), color representation, color saturation, color signal, color space, Color SUB Carrier, Color Subcarrier, Color Systems, color temperature, color-bar patterns, Colorimeters, Colour, Colour Rendering, Colour Temperature, Colpitts Oscillator, COLPRO, COLS, COLT, Column, Column Curve, column decoder, column distance, column-access strobe, Columnar Structure, COM, COMACC, COMAFFOR, COMAFSOAC, COMAFSOC, Comag, COMAJF, COMALF, COMALOC, COMARFOR, COMB, COMB Filter, comb function, combi, Combination Array, Combination Circuit, Combination Core Box, Combination Die, Combination Peaking, Combination Square, combination tone, Combination Unilay, Combinational Circuit, combinational lock, combinational logic, Combinatorial Logic, Combined Carbon, Combined Collector, Combined Cycle, combined cycle plant, Combined Cycle Unit, combined field integral equation (CFIE), combined heat and power *CHP, combined source-channel coding, Combined Station, Combined Water, Combining Network, comb-line filter, combo trouble-shooter, Combustion, Combustion Air Flow, Combustion Chamber, combustion or Burning, Combustion Turbine, COMCAM, COMCARGRU, COMCRUDESGRU, COMDCAEUR, COMDESRON, COMDT COGARD, COMDTINST, Come a Long, come-a-long, Comfep, COMFLTCYBERCOM, Comfort Chart, COMICEDEFOR, COMIDEASTFOR, COMINEWARCOM, COMINT, Comint, Comit´e Consulatif International T´el´egraphique et T´el´ephonique (CCITT), COMJCSE, COMJIC, COMLANDFOR, COMLANTAREACOGARD, COMLOGGRU, COMM, COMM, command, Command And Data Modes, Command Line, Command Signal, COMMARFOR, COMMARFORNORTH, Commcen, COMMDZ, Comment, Commercial Bronze, Commercial Operation, Commercial Quality Steel Sheet, Commercial Temperature Range, Commercial Tolerance, Commercial-Off-The-Shelf, Commision International d’Eclairage (CIE), commit, Committed Information Rate, Commodity, Commodity Hardware, Common Base, common base amplifier, Common Battery, Common Carrier, Common Carrier Principle, common cathode display, common centroid, Common Channel Interoffice Signaling, Common Channel Signaling, common channel signaling (CCS), Common Collector, common collector amplifier, Common Decoding Deciphering, Common Drain, common drain amplifier, Common Emitter, common emitter amplifier, Common Gate, common gate amplifier, Common Gateway Interface program, Common Ground, Common Identities Law, common mode gain, common mode noise, Common Mode Rejection Ratio, common mode rejection ratio (CMRR), Common Mode Signal, Common mode signals, common mode tripping, Common Open Policy Service, Common Relevant Operational Picture, Common Signaling Channel, Common Source, common source amplifier, Common-anode display, Common-Base Detector, common-channel interoffice signaling, Common-Emitter Detector, common-mode coupling, Common-Mode Interference, Common-Mode Rejection, Common-Mode Rejection Ratio, Common-Mode Signal, Common-Mode Signals, Common-Mode Voltage, Common-Mode Voltage Gain, Common-Source Amplifier, Common-Source FET, Communication, Communication and Information Systems, Communication Centre, Communication Deception, Communication Electronics, Communication Equipment, Communication Fidelity, Communication Identifier, Communication Intelligence, Communication Jamming, communication link, Communication Monitor, Communication Network, Communication Port, Communication Processor, Communication Protocol, Communication Satellite, Communication Satellite Corporation, Communication Satellite's Transponder, Communication Security, Communication Server, Communication Test, communication theory, Communications Controller, Communications Line Control, Communications Port, Community Antenna Television, Community Strings, community-antenna television (CATV), commutating inductance, commutating pole, commutating winding, Commutation, commutation angle, commutation angle, *overlap angle, Commutative Law, commutativity, Commutator, commutator film, COMNAV, COMNAVAIRLANT, COMNAVAIRPAC, COMNAVAIRSYSCOM, COMNAVCOMTELCOM, COMNAVELSG, COMNAVFOR, COMNAVMETOCCOM, COMNAVSEASYSCOM, COMNAVSECGRP, COMNAVSURFLANT, COMNAVSURFPAC, COMNET, Comodizing, COMP, Comp. Prop. Delay, COMPACAF, COMPACAREACOGARD, COMPACFLT, Compact Disk, compact disk (CD), compact disk-interactive (CD-I), Compact Fluorescent Lamp, compact fluorescent lamp, *CFL, Compact Fluorescent Lights, compact range, Compact Section, Compact Stranding, compactness measure, CompactPCI, Compander, Companding, Compandor, companion matrix, Compaq, Comparator, Comparator Propagation Delay, compare instruction, Comparison Program, compartmental model, Compass, compatibility, Compensated Connector, Compensated Oscillator, compensated pulsed alternator (CPA), Compensating Control, Compensating Jet, compensating winding, Compensating Windings, Compensation, Compensation Theorem, compensator, compensatory behavior, compensatory display, COMPES, Competencies, Competition Transition Charge, Competitive Bidding, Competitive Local Exchange Carrier, compiler, COMPLAN, Complement, Complement Number, complement operator, complementary arithmetic, Complementary Code Keying, Complementary Colors of Light, Complementary Configuration, complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), Complementary Law, Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor, Complementary MOS, complementary MOS,*CMOS, Complementary Push-Pull, complementary symmetry amplifier, Complementary Transistor, Complementry transistors, Complete Central Office Line Interface, Complete Class, Completely Connected Configuration, Completeness, Completeness Check, completion unit, complex amplitude, complex amplitude transmittance, complex beam parameter, Complex Conjugate Matching, complex envelope, complex exponential signal, complex frequency, complex instruction set computer, complex instruction set computer (CISC), complex number, complex power, complex process (system), complex propagation constant, complex system, Complex Tone, complex transmittance, Complex Wave, Complex Wave-Form, Compliance, Compliance Steer, Compliance Testing, Compliance Voltage, compliant motion, Compliant Pin, COMPO NET, Component, Component Lead, component mounting site, CompoNet, composite, Composite Attribute, Composite Beam, Composite Cable, Composite Construction, Composite Headlamps, Composite Joint, Composite Key, Composite Link, Composite Material, composite maximum method, composite moments method, composite second order (CSO), composite sync, composite transform, composite triple beat (CTB), Composite Video, Composite Video 1 Channel, Compound, Compound Gauge, Compound Motor, Compound Refrigerating System, Compound Rest, Compound Statement, Compound Wound DC Motor, compound-connected DC machine, compound-rectifier exciter, Compound-Wound Motors and Generators, Comprehensive Audit, Compressed, Compressed Air Energy Storage, Compressed-air energy storage (CAES), Compressibility, compression, compression coding, compression ratio, Compression Ring, Compression Ring Piston Ring, Compression Splice, Compression Waves, Compressive Strength, Compressor, Compressor/Expander, Compromise Equalizer, COMPT, Compton laser, compulsator, compulsory miss, Compusec, computational cut-off rate, computational electromagnetics, computational intelligence, Computationally Greedy, computed tomography (CT), Computer, Computer Aided Design, computer architecture, Computer Architecture and Organization, Computer Assisted Audit Technique, Computer Case, Computer Cluster, computer communication network, Computer Emergency Response Team, Computer Forensics, Computer Form Factor, computer generated hologram, computer hardware description language (CHDL), computer model, computer organization, Computer Output Micro-form, Computer PABX Interface, computer relay, Computer Science, Computer Sequence Checking, Computer Server, computer simulation, Computer Systems Engineering, Computer Telephony Integration, Computer Terminal, computer torque control, computer vision, computer word, computer\n, computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided engineering (CAE), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), computer-aided software engineering (CASE), computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), Computerized Branch Exchange, Computer-Mediated Communication, Computing Agent, COMSAT, COMSATS, COMSC, COMSCINST, COMSEC, COMSOC, COMSOCCENT, COMSOCEUR, COMSOCPAC, COMSOCSOUTH, COMSOF, COMSTAT, COMSUBLANT, COMSUBPAC, COMSUPNAVFOR, COMTAC, COMTENTHFLT, COMUSAFE, COMUSARCENT, COMUSCENTAF, COMUSFLTFORCOM, COMUSFORAZ, COMUSJ, COMUSK, COMUSMARCENT, COMUSNAVCENT, COMUSPACFLT, COMUSSOCJFCOM, CON, CONA, CONCAP, concatenated code, Concatenated VT, Concave, Concentrate, Concentrated Load, Concentrating, concentration gradient, Concentration Nodes, Concentrator, Concentrator (module, array, or collector), Concentric, concentric resonator, Concentric Stranding, Concentricity, concept formation, Conceptual Level, Concrete Board, Concrete Class, Concrete Filler Sealant, Concrete Foundations, Concrete Pump, Concrete Sealer, Concrete Stabilization, concurrency, Concurrency Control, Concurrency Transparency, Concurrent, Concurrent Access, concurrent processing, concurrent read and concurrent write (CRCW), concurrent read and exclusive write (CREW), Condensate Pump, Condensation, Condense, Condenser, condenser lens, Condenser Tube, Condenser-water System, Condensing Unit, Condition, condition code, condition code register, condition variable, Conditional Access, Conditional Access Device, Conditional Branch, conditional coding, conditional instruction, conditional statistic, conditionally addressed ROM, Conduct, Conductance, conducted emission, conducted noise, Conducting Wire, Conduction, conduction angle, Conduction Band, Conduction band; Conduction level, conduction current, conduction electron, Conductive, Conductive Coupling, Conductive Foam, Conductivity, Conductivity (Electrical), Conductor, Conductor Loss, Conductor Shield, Conductor Splice, Conduit, Conduit Fill, Conduits, cone beam, cone of protection, Cone Pulley, CONEX, CONEXPLAN, Conference Of European Postal And Telecommunication, confidence interval, confidence level, Confidential Record, Confidentiality, CONFIG, Configurable Control, configuration, Configuration Drift, Configuration Item, Configuration Management, confinement, confinement condition, confinement diagram, conflict miss, conflict-free multiple access protocol, conflicting goals, confocal parameter, confocal resonator, Conformal Coating, Conformal Coating Material, conformal mapping, congestion, conical diffraction, Conical Scanning, conical scattering, conjugate symmetric transform, conjunction rule of inference, Conjunctive Test, CONMEBOL, connect/disconnect bus, Connected Array, connected component, connectedness, Connecting Block, Connection, Connection Broker, connection matrix, Connection Oriented, Connection Types, connection weight, connectionist model, Connectionless, Connectionless Protocol, connectionless service, Connection-Oriented Protocol, connection-oriented service, connectivity check, Connector, Connector Adaptor, Connector Cover, Connector Discontinuity, Connector Insert, Connector Plug, Connector Saver, Connector Shell, Connector, Terminal, CONOPS, CONPLAN, CONR, Conservation, Conservation Of Energy, Conservation Of Mass, Conservation Of Mass And Energy, Conservation Of Momentum, consistency, consistency of interests, consistency principle, consistent estimator, consistent goals, Console, Console Log, Constant, Constant Amplitude Filter, constant angular velocity, constant bit density, constant bit rate (CBR), Constant Current Charge, Constant current circuit, Constant Current Source, Constant Delay Filter, constant gain circle, Constant Horsepower Motor, constant linear velocity, constant modulus algorithm (CMA), Constant Potential Charge, Constant Speed Wind Turbines, Constant Torque Motor, Constant Voltage Source, constant-current transformer, constant-horse power drive, Constant-speed wind turbines, constant-torque drive, Constitute, Constitutional Diagram, constitutive relation, constitutive relationships, constraining core, Constraint, constraint length, constraint propagation, Construction Drywall, Construction Manager, constructive algorithm, constructive solid geometry, Constructor, Consultative Committee International Telegraph And Telephone, Consulted, Consumer, Consumer Education, Consumer Service Charge, consumer unit (may also be known as a consumer control unit or electricity control unit), Consumption, CONT, CONT / CTL / CTRL, Contact, Contact Arrangement, Contact Bounce, Contact Bounce Time, Contact Corrosion, Contact Discharge, contact head, Contact Plating, contact potential, contact printing, Contact Resistance, Contact Retainer, Contact Rolls, Contact Separation, Contact Size, Contact Styles, Contact, Female, Contact, Male, contactor, Container, Container Class, containment building, containment vessel, Contaminant, Contamination, Contango, Contd, Contended Access, Content Filtering, content-addressable memory (CAM), Contention, contention protocol, context, Context Switch, context switching, context units, Contextual Value, Contiguous, contingency analysis, contingency list, Contingency Plan, contingency ranking, contingency selection, Continuity, continuity equation, Continuity Test, Continuity Tester, Continuos Load, Continuous, Continuous Anneal, Continuous Annealing Furnace, Continuous Auditing Approach, Continuous Availability, Continuous Carrier, Continuous Casting, Continuous Desulfurization, continuous duty, Continuous Furnace, continuous Hopfield network, Continuous Improvement, Continuous Load, Continuous Phase, Continuous Pickling, continuous rating, continuous signal, continuous spectrum, continuous speech recognition, Continuous Strip Mill, continuous system, Continuous Tapping, continuous time signal, continuous time system, continuous tone image coding, Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System, Continuous Variable Crown System, Continuous Variable Slope Delta Modulation, Continuous Wave, continuous wave (CW), Continuous Wave Keying, Continuous Waveform, Continuous Weld, Continuously Variable Slope Delta-Modulation, Continuously Variable Transmission, contour, contour filling, contour following, Contour Rings, Contract, Contract Assembly, Contract Manufacturer, Contract Price, Contraction, Contraction Cracks, Contraction Rule, Contractor, Contrast, contrast enhancement, contrast enhancement layer (CEL), contrast rendition factor (CRF), contrast sensitivity, control, control and status register (CSR), Control Arm, control bus, Control Center, control channel, Control Character, control chart, Control Circuit Transformer, Control Circuit Transformers, Control Construct, Control Differential Transmitter, Control Field, Control Flow, Control Framework, Control Grid, Control Group, Control Hazard, control horizon, Control House, control input, control instruction, control interval, Control Knob, control layer, control line, control memory, Control Network, Control Objective, Control Objectives for Enterprise Governance, Control Panels, Control Perimeter, control policy, Control Power Transformer, Control Practice, control problem, Control Program, Control Risk, Control Risk Self Assessment, control rod, Control Rods, control rule, control scene, Control Section, control store, control structure, control surface, Control Synchro System, control system, Control Tower, Control Transformer, Control Transmitter, control under uncertainty, Control Unit, Control Weakness, Control Wires, controllability, controllability at a given time, Controlled Atmosphere, Controlled Atmosphere Furnaces, controlled process, controlled process model, controlled rectifier, Controlled Rolling, controlled source, controlled variable, controller, CONUS, CONUSA, CONV, Convection, convection current, convective heat transfer, Conventional Cable, Conventional current flow, Conventional Forging, Conventional Loan, Conventional PCI, Converged Network Adapter, convergence, Conversational Mode, Conversion, Conversion Coefficient, Conversion Cost, Conversion efficiency (cell or module), Conversion Loss, Conversion Specification, Converter, Converter Stations, Converter/processor, Convertibility, Convertible Jet Pump, Convex, convex fuzzy set, Conveyor, Conveyor Belt, Conveyor Belt Splicing, Conveyor Pallet, Conveyor Roller, Conveyor Screw, convolution, convolution integral, convolutional code, convolutional coding, COO, co-occurrence matrix, Cook (Anneal) Hours, Cookie, Cook-Off Test, Coolant, Cooler, Cooler Machine, Cooling Controlled, Cooling Cover, Cooling Curve, Cooling Fin, Cooling Load, Cooling Stresses, Cooling System, cooling tower, Cooling Unit, Cooling Water, Coop, Cooper, Leon Niels, Cooperative Electric Utility, Coordinate Measuring Machines, coordinate system, co-ordinated, coordinated rotation digital computer (CORDIC), coordinating unit, coordination, coordination by exception, coordination instrument, coordination strategy, coordinator unit, CoP, Copalum Splice, COP-CSE, COPD, Coped, Coped Joint, COPG, Coping, Coping Out, Coplanar Line, copolarized, Copper, Copper indium diselenide (CuInSe2, or CIS), copper jacket timer, Copper Line, Copper Loss, Copper Pipe, COPPERHEAD, Copra, co-prime polynomials, coprocessor, COPS, COPUOS, copy-back, COR, CORBA, Corbel, Cord, Cord, Electrical, Cordage, CORDIC, Cordless Drill, Cordless Telephony, Core, Core Baking Dielectric, Core Balance Current Transformer, Core Barrel, Core Binder, Core Blow, Core Branch, Core Breaker, Core Cavity, Core Collapsibility, Core Compound, Core Crab, Core Density, Core Driers, Core Drivers, Core Extruder, Core Filler, Core Fin, Core Float, Core Frame, Core Grinder, Core Gum, Core Hardness, Core Jig, Core Knockout Machine, core lamination, Core Lightener, Core Loss, core memory, Core Mud, Core Refractiveness, Core Rod, Core Room Antechamber, Core Router, Core Sand, Core Setting Jig, Core Shift, Core Shooter, Core Spindle, Core Sprayer, Core Stickle Template, Core Strainer (Strainer Tub), Core Truck, Core Vents, Core Wires Or Rolls, Corel, Coreless Induction Furnace, Coremaker, core-type transformer, Corex, Coring, Coring Up, Coriolis Flow Meter, coriolis forces, Corner Braces, corner cube antenna, corner detection, Corner Reflector, Cornering Force, Cornerslick, Corona, Corona Discharge, corona effect, Corona Inception, corona loss, corona resistance, corona ring, coronal projection, Coronary Observation Radio, Corp, Corporate Area Network, Corporate Cloud, Corporate Exchange Rate, corporate feed, Corporate Governance, Corporate Security Officer, CORR, Corrator, correction layer, Corrective Control, Corrective Effective Temperature Chart, Corrective Leveling, correlation, correlation bandwidth, correlation coefficient, correlation detector, correlation function, correlation peak detector, correlation receiver, correlation sidelobes, Correlation Techniques, correlator, Correspondence, correspondence problem, corresponding point, Corrosion, Corrosion Coupons, Corrosion Embrittlement, Corrosion Fatigue, Corrosion Index, Corrosion Investigation, Corrosion Monitoring, Corrosion Resistance, Corrosion Resistant Liners, Corrosion Testing Services, Corrosion Wear, Corrosive Liquid Storage Tanks, Corrugated, corrugated horn, Corrugated Iron, Corrugated Plastic, Corundum, COS, CoSAMC, COSCO, coset leader, COSIDICI, Cosine, cosine modulated filter bank, cosine roll-off filter, cosine transform, Coslettizing, COSMIC, COSO, COSPAR, COSPAS, COSR, COST, cost function, Costas loop, COSTED, COSTRD, COT, COTP, COTR, cotree, co-tree of network, COTS, Cotton–Mouton effect, Cottrell Process, co-tunneling, COU, Coulomb, coulomb (C), Coulomb blockade, Coulomb force, Coulomb Per Centimeter Squared, Coulomb Sensitivity, Coulomb, Charles, Coulomb’s Law, Coulomb's Law, Count Rate Meter, Counter, counter C3, counter electromotive force, Counter EMF, Counterbalance Valve, Counterbore, counter-EMF, counter-EMF starter, Counter-flow Heat Exchanger, Counterfort, Countermeasure, Countermeasure Communication, Counterpoise, counterpoise ground, counter-propagation learning, counter-rotating field theory, Countersink, counter-torque, Counting Relay, Couple, coupled inductor, coupled line filter, coupled lines, coupled wave equations, coupler, Coupling, Coupling Capacitor, coupling capacitor voltage transformer (CCVT), Coupling Capacitors, Coupling Coefficient, Coupling Device, coupling efficiency, coupling factor, coupling field, Coupling Loss, Coupling Transformer, Coupons Corrosion, Courses, COV, Covalent Bond, COVCOM, Cover, Cover Core, Cover Half, Cover Plate, Coverage, Coverage Maps, Covered - A conductor encased within material of composition and thickness that is NOT recognized by this Code as electrical insulation. Insulated - A conductor encased within material of composition and thickness that is recognized by this Code as electrical insulation., Covered Electrode, covert channel, COVQ, COW, cow magnet, Cowan, COWAR, CP, CP&I, CP/M, CPA, CPAM, CPAN, cPanel, CPC, CPCB, CPCP, CPCS, CPD, CPDLC, CPE, CPE Device, CPEs, CPF, CPFL, CPG, CPGA, CPI, CPIC, Cpigs, C-pillar, CPIM, Cpl, CPLR, CPM, CPM laser, CPMS, CPMT, CPN, CPO, CPP, CPPC, CPR, CPRC, CPRI, CPRS, CPS, cpsrvd, CPT, CPU, CPUC, CPUE, CPUtime, CPVC, CPWD, CPX, CQA, CR, CR cr, CRA, Crab, Crack, Crack Hot Tear, Cracking, Cracking Pressure, Cracking Strip, CRAF, CRAM, Cramer-Rao bound, Cramp, Crane, Crankcase, Crankshaft, Crankshaft position sensor, Crash, Crash Deck, Cratering, Crawler Excavator, Crawling, Cray, Crazing, CRB, CRC, CRC character, CRC-code, CRCW, CRD, CRDI, CRE, CREAPER, Creating Agency, CREDAI, Credentialed Analysis, credit assignment problem, Creep, Creep Limit, creepage distance, Creep-Age Distance, CREN, CREO, CRESP, Crest, crest factor, Crest Value, Crevice Corrosion, Crevice Erosion, CREW, CRF, Crfl, CRG, CRGO, CRI, Crib, CRIC, CRIF, CRIL, Crimp, Crimp Contact, Crimp Terminal, Crimped Edge A Damaged, Crimping, Cripple, CRIS, CRISIL, CRISL, crisp set, Cristobalite, CRITIC, critical, Critical (Temperature) Range, Critical Angle, critical band, critical clearing angle, Critical Cooling Rate, Critical Damping, critical dimension (CD), Critical Frequency, Critical Functions, Critical Infrastructure, Critical Load, Critical Mass, critical path, critical point, critical race, critical region, critical section, Critical Shear Stress, Critical Speed, Critical Strain, Critical Success Factor, Critical Temperature, Critical Values, Criticality, Critically Analysis, critically sampled, CRITICOMM, CRITTER, Criu, CRL, CRM, CRO, Cronak Process, Croning Process, CROP, Cropping, Crosby direct FM transmitter, Cross Bar Switch, Cross Bonding, Cross Brace, Cross Breaks, Cross Certification, cross chrominance, cross color, Cross Coupling, Cross Feed, Cross Linked Polyethylene, cross luma, cross luminance, cross modulation, Cross Pattern, cross polar discrimination, cross polar isolation, cross power spectrum, Cross Product, Cross Rolling, Cross Section, Cross Site Request Forgery, cross spectra, Cross Subsidization, Cross Tee, crossarm, crossarm brace, cross-assembler, Crossbar Latch, Crossbar Switch, cross-bonding, Crossbow, cross-compiler, cross-correlation, cross-correlation function, crossed field devices (CFD), Crossed-Field Amplifier, Crossed-Over Adapter, Crossed-Over Cable, cross-field theory, Crosshead, crossing number, Crossmember, crossmodulation, Crossover, Crossover Cable, Crossover Distortion, Crossover Frequency, Crossover Network, crossover point, crosspoint, crosspoint level, cross-polarization, cross-quad, Cross-section Width, Cross-Sectional Area, cross-subsidization, crosstalk, Cross-Talk, Crowbar, Crowbar Circuit, Crown, Crown Molding, CRP, CRPC, CRPE, CRPI, CRR, CRRC, CRREL, CRS, CRSG, CRSP, CRT, CRTS, CRU, CR-UAV, Crucible, Crucible Furnace, Crucible Steel, Crucible Zone, Crush, Crush Strip Or Bead, CRW, CRY, Cryogenic, Cryptanalysis, CRYPTO, Cryptographic System, Cryptography, Crystal, Crystal Analysis, Crystal Controlled Oscillator, Crystal Filter, crystal filter reference amplifier, Crystal Furnace, Crystal Lattice, Crystal Microphone, Crystal Mixer, Crystal Oscillator, Crystal Oven, Crystal Radio Receiver, Crystal Speaker, Crystal Twinning, Crystalline Fracture, crystalline phase, Crystalline Solid, Crystallization, CRYSYS, CRZ, CS, CS50, CSA, CSAAS, CSADR, CSAF, CSAM, CSAR, CSAR3, CSARTE, CSARTF, CSATA, CSB, CSB (MEB), CSC, CSCC, CSD, CSDB, CSE, CSEB, CSEC, CSEL, CSELI, CSEP, CSERGE, CSES, CSEZ, CSF, CSG, CSGN, CSH, CSI, CSIA, CSIF, CSIM, CSIND, CSIP, CSIPG, CSIR, CSIRO, CSIRO/DAR, CSK, CSL, CSM, CSMA, Csma, CSMA/CA, Csma/ca, CSMA/CD, CSMA-CA, CSMC, Csmc, CSMP, C-SMPP, Csn, CSNP, CSNP(BE), CSNP(I), CSNP(SE), CSO, CSOA, CSOB, CSOD, CSOR, CSP, CSPAR, CSPDCL, CSPP, CSR, CSRF, CSRS, CSS, CSSA, CSSAMO, CSSB, CSSC, C-SSE, C-ssg, CSSM, CSST, CSSU, CST, CSTA, CSTO, CSTR, CSU, CSV, CSVTU, CSW, CSWB, CT, CT2, Ct2, CTA, CTAF, CTAPS, CTAS, CTB, CTBT, CTC, Ctcpec, CTCSS, CTD, CTDB, CTE, CTEP, CTET, CTF, CTF IAMD, CTFP, CTG, CTI, CTIA, CTID, CTI-Link, CTIM, CTIP, CTKB, CTL, CTLR, CTM, CTO, CTOC, CTON, CTP, CTR, CTRIF, CTRL, CTS, CTSS, CTU, CU, CU (or CYA), CUAUV, cubic voxel, cubical quad antenna, CUC, CUCSS, CUDA, CUF, CUG, CUI, CUL, CUL (or CUL8R), CULT, Cultivation, CULV, Culvert Pipe, cumulatively compounded, Cumulo Nimbus Cloud, cumulo-nimbus cloud, Cuno Filter, CUP, Cup Fracture, Cupola, Cupping, CUPS, Curb, Curb Guard, Curb Stop, Curb Weight, Cure, Cure Point, Cure Time, Curie, Curie temperature, Curie's Law, Curie-Weiss Law, Curing, Curing Time (No Bake), Curl, Current, current amplifier, Current at Maximum Power, Current at maximum power (Imp), Current Balance, current carrying capacity of a conductor, Current Density, current density vector field, current distribution factor, Current divider, current fed inverter, current feedback, current feedback op-amp, CURRENT FLOW, current gain, Current Legal Custodian, current limiting, current limiting fuse, Current limiting resistor, Current Loop, Current Mirror, Current Mode Controller, Current Mode Feedback, Current Mode Logic, Current Probe, Current Proportioning, Current Rating, Current Regulator, Current Sense Amplifier, Current Source, current source amplifier, current source inverter, current source region, current transducer, Current Transformer, current transformer (CT), Current Transformer Ratio, Current Transformers, current unit, current withstand rating, current-controlled multivibrator, current-limiting device, current-mode control, Current-Mode Controller, Current-Sense Amplifier, current-source inverter (CSI), cursor, Curtain Side Airbags, Curtain Wall, Curtis Method Cycle, curvature, curvature function, CUSAT, Cushion, Custom Wheel, Customer Derivation Device, Customer Distribution Frame, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Test Strip, Cut, Cut Edge, Cut In Half, Cut Off Voltage, Cut Off Wheel, Cut Out, Cut Out The Center, Cut To Length, CUTE, Cutoff, Cut-Off, Cutoff Angle, Cutoff Frequency, cut-off frequency, cutoff rate, cut-off rate, cut-off wavelength, Cutout, cut-out, cutset, Cutting Fluid, Cutting Speed, Cutting Tool, CUV, CV, CVAMP, CVC, CVD, CVE, CVN, CVQ, CVR, CVS, CVSD, CVSRF, CVT, CVV, CVW, CVWC, CW, CW Demodulator, CWA, Cwan, CWC, CWDE, CWDM, CWG, Cwid, CWMD, CWO, CWP, CWPD, CWR, CWS, CWSF, CWT, CXO, CXR Carrier, CY, Cyanide Hardening, Cyaniding, Cybercop, cybernetics, Cycle, Cycle Life, cycle stealing, cycle time, cycles per instruction (CPI), cyclic access, cyclic code, Cyclic Redundancy Check, cyclic redundancy check (CRC), Cyclic Redundancy Code, CYCLING, cycloconverter, Cyclone Classifier, Cyclone Separator, Cyclonic Scrubber, Cyclotron, cyclotron frequency, cylinder, Cylinder Block, Cylinder Head, cylindrical lens, cylindrical microstrip line, cylindrical stripline, cylindrical wave, cylndrical-rotor machine, CZCS, CZM, CZMA, Czochralski Process,
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