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All Engineering Terms Starts with "L"
L, L Band, L C R, L&T, L/C, L/D, L/T, L2TP, L8R, La, LAADS, LAAM, label, Labeled, labeling, LABS, lAC, Lace, Lacquer, LACV, LAD, LADC, Ladder, Ladder Attenuator, Ladder Attenuator Circuit, Ladder Diagram, Ladder Filter, Ladder Logic, Ladder Topology, laddertron, Ladle, Ladle Analysis, Ladle Metallurgy Furnace, LAF, Lag, lag circuit, lag network, Lag Screw, LAGCM, LAGEOS, Lagging, Lagging Current, Lagging Load, lag-lead network, Lagrange formulation, Lagrange stable state, Lagrangian interpolation, Laguerre–Gaussian beam, LAI, LAID, Lamb dip, LAMBADA, lambda system, Lambert, Lambert’s cosine law, Lambertian source, Lambertian surface, Lamborghini, Lamellar Tear, Laminar Flow, Laminate, laminate multi-chip module (MCM-L), Laminated Core, lamination, Laminations, LAMO, Lamp, Lamp Driver, Lamp Lumen Depreciation, LAMPS, LAN, LAN *Local Area Network, Land Mobile Radio Service, Land Mobile Satellite Service, Land Mobile Service, land pattern, Landauer formula, LANDCENT, Lands, Lands and Traces on a Printed Wireing Board Lanyard. A cord attached to a connector dust cap to insure that the cap stays attached to the connector while disconnected., Landsat, LANDSOUTH, Lange coupler, Langevin, Paul, Langmuir Probe, Language Processor, LANL, LANL/ACL, Lanthanide, LANTIRN, LAO, LAOS, Lap, Lap, Lap Joint, Lap Splice, Lap Weld, Lap Winding, LAPAN, Lapb, Laplace transform, Laplace, Pierre-Simon, Marquis de, Laplace’s equation, Laplacian pyramid, lapped orthogonal transform (LOT), LARC, LARC-V, Lard Oil, large cell, large disturbance, Large Format Scanning, Large-Scale Integration, large-scale integration (LSI), large-scale process (system), LARS, LASCR, LASE, Laser, LASER, laser amplifier, laser array, laser beam, Laser Cutting, Laser Diode, Laser Driver, laser efficiency, Laser Engraving, Laser Etched Awards, Laser Marking Systems, laser medium, laser oscillator, laser pumping, laser threshold, laser transient, laser transition, Laserdisc, LASH, LASR, LASS, Last In First Out, last-in-first-out (LIFO), LAT, LATA, Lata, Latch, Latching Junction Circulator Switch, Latching Switch, Latch-Up, Latency, Latent Heat, Latent Heat Of Condensation, Latent Heat Of Fusion, lateral, Lateral Acceleration, Lateral Circuit, Lateral Clearance, Lateral Communication, lateral inhibition, Lateral Light Distribution, Lateral Runout, Lateral Stability, lateral superlattice, Lateral Tire Clearance, lateral wave, Lateral Weight Transfer, Lath Martensite, Lathe, Lattice, Lattice Boom Truck Cranes, lattice constant, Lattice Filter, lattice vector quantization, latticeVQ, Lauders Lines, LAV, Lavalier Microphone, law of excluded middle, Law of Magnetism, law of the first wavefront, LAWS, LAX, Lay Direction, Lay Length, Layer, layout, lb, LBA, L-band, LBL, LBLRTM, LBR, LBS, LBSTI, LBT, LBW, LC, LC Capacitor-Input Filter, LC Choke-Input Filter, LC Circuit, LCAC, LCADS, LCAP, LCB, LCC, LCCN, LCCS, LCD, LCD see, LCE, LCES, LCI, LCL, LCLV, LCM, LCMC, LCN, LCO, LC-oscillator, LCP, LCPL, LCS, LCSR, LCU, LCV, LCVP, LD, LDA, LDAP, LDC, LDCM, LDD, LDEO, LDF, LDG, LDGO, LDGPS, LDI, LDO, LDP, LDPE, LDR, LE, LEA, Leaching, Lead, Lead Acid, Lead acid cell, Lead Burning, lead circuit, Lead Dioxide, lead frame, Lead Hole, Lead Inductance, lead lanthanum zirconium titanate (PLZT), Lead Peroxide, Lead Screw, Lead Sulfate, Lead Time, Lead Wire, Lead-Acid Cell, Leaded Steel, leader, leader-follower game, LEADEX, Leading Arm, Leading Edge, Leading Link, Leading Load, leading-edge triggered, Leadless Chip Carrier, Leaf Spring, Leak Detector, Leak Down Tester, Leak Through, leakage, Leakage Current, Leakage Factor, Leakage Flux, Leakage Inductance, leakage reactance, Leakage Resistance, Leakoff, leaky feeder, leaky modes, leaky wave, LEAP, LEAPS, learning, learning law, learning rate, learning rule, LEASAT, Leased Circuit, Leased Line, Leased Lines, Least Cost Alternatives, Least Cost Routing, Least Significant Bit, Least Significant Digit, least squares solution, least-significant bit (LSB), least-square-error fit, LEAU, LEBS, LEC, LECIC, LED, LED *light emitting diode, LEDET, Ledger, LEER, LEF, LEFI, Left, Left Shift Operator, left-hand circular polarization, Left-Hand Rule for Generators, Left-hand Thread, Left-hand-rule, left–right models, Leg, Legacy, Legacy Costs, legacy system, Legal Custody, Legal Value, LEGAT, Legislative Records, LEGO, Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, LEIP, LEM, LEMA, LEMP, Lempel–Ziv coding, Lempel–Ziv compression, Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) coding, lengthened code, Lenovo, lens, lens aberrations, lens array, lens design, lenslet array interconnect, lenslike medium, Lenz's Law, LEO, LEP, LERSM, LERTCON, LERTS, LES, LESO, LET, Letter Drills, letter of intent *LOI, level crossing rate, Level detector, Level Indicator, Level Switch, Level Transient Response Control, Level Translator, Level Transmitter, level-1 cache, level-2 cache, Leveler Chatter, Leveler Mark, Leveler Streak, Leveling, Leveling Rolls, level-sensitive, level-triggered, Levenshtein distance, Lever, Leverage, L-EWE, Lewis, Lexmark, Lexus, LF, LFA, LFD, LFM, LFOC, LFORM, LFR, LFSP, LFSR, LfV, LG, LGA, LGB, LGCIS, LGCS, LGHL, LGM, LGM-30, LGW, LH, LHA, LHB, LHD, LHT, LHV, Li, Liapunoff, Liapunov, LIBOR, Library, LIC, Licensing Agreement, Lichtenburg figure, lid, Lidar, LIDQA, Lie detector, LIF, Life Cycle, Life Cycle Cost, Life Test, Lifetime, lifetime broadening, LiFi, LIFO, Lift, Lift Pit, Lift Points, Lifting Magnet, lift-off process, Lift-throttle Oversteer, LIGA, Light, Light Amplification By Stimulated Emission Of Radiation, Light Emitting Diode, light emitting diode (LED), Light Field Photography, Light Gauge, Light Gauge Steel, light guide, Light Induced Defects, Light Load, Light Loss Factor, light loss factor (LLF), Light Metal, Light Oil, light pen, light scattering, Light Traffic, Light Trapping, Light Truck, light valve, Light Vehicles, Light Water, Light Water Reactor, Light water reactor (LWR), Light Year, light-activated silicon controlled rectifier, Light-Activated Silicon-Controlled Rectifiers, light-amplifying optical switch (LAOS), Lightbulb, Light-Emitting Diode, Light-Emitting Polymer, Lighthouse Tube, Light-induced defects, Lighting Arrester, lighting effectiveness factor (LEF), Lighting Maintenance Factor, lighting system, lightly doped drain (LDD), Lightning, Lightning & Switching Impulses, lightning arrester, Lightning Arresters, Lightning Arrestor, lightning choke, Lightning Rod, Light-Pipe, Light-Rays, lightwave communications, lightwave technology, Li-ion, likelihood ratio, likelihood ratio test, LIM, LIMDIS, Lime, LIMFAC, Limit, Limit Check, limit cycle, Limit Cycle Oscillators, Limit Switch, Limited Approach Boundary, Limited Distance Mode, Limited Probability of Exploitation, Limited Probability of Intercept, Limited Slip Differential, limited-look-ahead control, Limiter, Limiter Circuit, Limiting Level, Limiting Range Of Stress, Limiting Ruling Section, limiting spatial resolution, Limiting Value Of The Output Current, Limits of Error, Limits Of Proportionality, Limousine, LIMS, LIN, Lincoln Continental, Linde–Buzo–Gray (LBG) algorithm, Line, Line Access Procedure Balanced, line broadening, line code, Line Codes, Line Commutated Inverter, line conditioner, Line Cord, line detection, Line Doubler, Line Driver, line drop compensator, Line Hit, line hose, Line Hunting, line impedance stabilization network (LISN), Line Marking, Line of Force, line of sight (LOS), line outage distribution factor, Line Pipe, Line Pressure, Line Printer, Line Protocol, line rate, Line Receiver, Line Regulation, line shape function, Line Speed, line spread function, Line Switching, Line to Line, line to line fault, Line to Neutral, Line Traps, Line Turnaround, Line Voltage, line width, Lineal Foot, Lineal Footage Counter, Linear, Linear Actuator, Linear Amplifier, linear approximation, linear block code, Linear Circuit, linear code, Linear Congruential Method, linear dynamic range of Bragg cell, Linear Efficiency, Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, Linear Encoder, linear filter, Linear Function, Linear Gantry, linear generator, Linear Guide System, linear IC, Linear Impedance, Linear Incremental Encoder, Linear Integrated Circuit, linear interpolation, Linear List, linear load, Linear Loop, linear machine, linear medium, Linear Mode, Linear Motion Bearing, linear motor, linear multistep method, linear network, linear phase, Linear Phase Filter, linear polarization, linear prediction, linear prediction based speech coding, linear predictive coding, linear predictor, Linear Rail Slides, Linear Regulator, linear response, linear scalar quantization, Linear scale, linear scrambler, linear separation, linear shift invariant (LSI) system, linear susceptibility, linear system, linear threshold unit, linear time invariant (LTI) system, linear time-invariant lumped-parameter (LTIL) system, Linear Topology, linear transformation, Linear Variable Differential Transformer, Linear Variable Transformer, linear-feedback shift register (LFSR), Linearity, linearization, linearized machine equations, linearizer, linearSQ, Line-commutated inverter, line-connected reactor, line-current harmonic, Line-Fault, line-impact printer, Line-Lose, lineman, Line-Man Splice, Line-Pulsing Modulator, Liner, line-reflect-match (LRM) calibration, line-reflect-reflect-match(LRRM) calibration, Lines Communication, LINES OF FORCE, Lines, Communication, line-to-line run-length difference coding, line-to-line voltage, linguistic hedge, linguistic variable, Link, Link Aggregation, Link Attribute, Link Editor, link inertial parameters, Link Layer, Link Protocol, linkage flux, linker, Links, LIN-LOG Amplifier, Lintel, Linux, Li-ON, Lip Hollow Profile, Lip of a Drill, Lip Pour Ladle, LIPI, LIPS, Lipschitz continuous system, Liquation, Liquefaction, liquid, Liquid Absorbent, Liquid Carburising, liquid crystal, Liquid Crystal Display, liquid crystal display (LCD), liquid crystal display, *LCD, liquid crystal light valve (LCLV), liquid crystal on silicon (SLM), liquid laser, Liquid Level Gauge, Liquid Line, Liquid Line Charging Valve, Liquid Nitrogen, Liquid Penetrant Testing, Liquidation, Liquid-Cooling System, Liquid-Filled Transformer, Liquidus, LIRAD, LIS, LISN, Lisp, Lissajous Pattern, list decoding, list of capabilities, Listed, Listed Directory Number, LITE, literal, Literals, Litestep, Lithium Batteries, Lithium Ion Batterie, lithium niobate (LiNbO3), Lithium-ion (Li+, Li-Ion, Lion) cells are generally used as power sources for portable equipment. They are usually rechargeable. Lithium-ion and nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) have displaced nickel-cadmium (NiCd or nicad) as the dominant rechargeable chemistry for portable applications. Maxim makes a wide range of battery management products for all these families, including chargers, fuel gauges, and smart battery components. Lithium batteries are typically coin-shaped and are used to power items such as Maxim's non-volatile static RAM (NV SRAM) and timekeeping circuits (such as real-time clocks)., Lithium-ion batteries, Lithium-Ion Battery, Lithographic Sheet Aluminum, lithography, Litre, little endian, Little-Endian, Liu, live, Live Axle, Live Center, live insertion, live part, Live Parts, live tank breaker, livelock, LIWA, LJBF, LJU, LKG, LKP, LL, L-L, LLB, LLC, LLF, LLL, LLLGB, LLLTV, LLM, LLNL, Lloyd–Max scalar quantization, Lloyd–Max SQ, LLP, LLSE, LLSO, LLTR, LLTV, LLW, LLWAS, LM, LM/M, Lm/W, LMA, LMAO, LMARS, LMAV, LMD, Lmd/kp, LMDS, LMER, LMES, LMF, LMG, LMGTFY, LML, LMM, LMS, LMS algorithm, LMSR, LMV, LMV-NT, LMV-TR, LN, LNA, LNAV, LNB, LNBF, LNC, LNG, LNI, LNO, LNT, LO, LO/LO, LO/RO, LOA, LOAC, Load, load balancing, Load Break, load break device, load buffer, load bypass, Load Carrying Capacity, Load Cell, load center, Load Characteristic, Load Circuit, Load Coil, load current, Load Curve, Load Diversity, Load Duration Curve, load duration curve *LDC, Load Factor, load flow study, Load Forecast, load frequency control, Load Impedance, Load Index, load instruction, Load Isolator, Load Life, Load Line, Load Loss, Load Management, load mismatch, Load Profile, Load Regulation, load resistance, Load Shape, Load Sharing, Load Shifting, Load Switching, load tap changer (LTC), load torque, Load Turbine (Gas), load/store architecture, load/store unit, Loadbreak, load-break device, Load-carrying Ball Joint, load-commutated inverter (LCI), loaded Q, Loader, Loading, Loading Coil, Loading Effect, Loading Line Valve, Loading Valve, load-pull, load-pull measurement, LOAL, Lobe, LOBL, Loc, LOC ACC, loca, Local Access and Transport Area, Local Action, Local Analog Loopback, Local Analysis, Local Area Data Transport, Local Area Dataset, Local Area Network, local bus, Local Central Office Local Exchange, Local Channel Loopback, Local Context Analysis, Local Control Mode, Local Dataset, local decision unit, local decision variable, Local Digital Loopback, Local Exchange, Local Exchange Carrier, local field effect, Local Inner Class, Local Lighting, Local Loop, Local Loop Unbundling, local memory, local minimum, local mode oscillation, Local Oscillator, local oxidation of silicon (LOCOS), local stability, Local Temperature, Local Temperature Sensor, Local Variable, local wavelength, Locale, locality, localization, Localizer Station, LOCAP, Location, Location Damp, Location Dry, Location Id, Location Tracking, Location Transparency, Location Wet, Location, damp, Location, dry, Location, wet, LOCE, Loce, Lock, Lock Manager, lock range, locked-rotor current, locked-rotor torque, lock-in amplifier, Lock-in Frequency, locking, lockout, lock-out, lockout relay, Lockout-tagout, Lockseam Test, Lockup, Lockup Differential, Lockup Torque Converter, lock-up-free cache, LOCOS, Locus, LOD, LODYC, LOE, LOFT, Log, Log File, log periodic antenna, Log Periodic Array Antenna, Log Sheet, LOGAIR, LOGAIS, Logarithmic Efficiency, Logarithmic Loop, logarithmic quantization, Logarithmic Receiver, LOGCAP, LOGCAT, LOGDET, LOGEX, LOGFAC, LOGFOR, Logging Recorder, Logic, logic analyser, Logic Analyzer, logic circuit, Logic Diagram, Logic Element, logic gate, Logic Gate Functions, Logic Gates, Logic Instruction, logic level, Logic Negation, Logic Operation, Logic Simulator, Logic Switch, Logic Symbol, Logical Access Controls, Logical Block Addressing, Logical Channel, Logical Channel Number, Logical Clock, Logical Complement, Logical NOR, logical operation, Logical Operators, Logical Partition, logical register, logical shift, Logistics, Logitech, log-likelihood function, LOGMARS, LOGMOD, log-normal distribution, Logoff, Logon, LOGPLAN, LOGSAFE, LOHM, LOI, LOICZ, LOICZ-SSC, LOIS, LOL, LOLER, LOLWKASF, LOM, LOM protection, LOMEZ, LON, Long, Long Belt, long code, Long Distribution, long duration, Long Haul, long integer, Long Products, Long Term Evolution, Long Term Stability, Long Terne, Long Transverse Direction, Longitudinal Balance, Longitudinal Bow, Longitudinal Corrugation, Longitudinal Direction, longitudinal excitation, Longitudinal Leaf Spring, longitudinal mode, longitudinal modelocking, longitudinal phase velocity, longitudinal redundancy check, Longitudinal Seam, longitudinal section, Longitudinal Tire Clearance, Longitudinal Voltage, Longitudinal Waves, LONGLINES, Long-tailed Pair, Long-Term Stability, LOO, lookahead, look-ahead carry, lookbehind, look-up table model, Loop, loop analysis, loop antenna, Loop Cellar, Loop Current, Loop Disconnect System, loop feeder, Loop Filter, Loop Gain, Loop Length, loop network, Loop Or Mesh, loop primary feeder, Loop Resistance, Loop Section, Loop Start, loop system, Loop Tower, Loop Transmission Facilities, Loop Variable, Loop-Back, Loopback Test, Looped Dual Bus, Looper Cars, Looper Line, loop-set, Loose Coupling, Loose Material, Loose Molding, Loose Wrap, loosely coupled multiprocessor, Loosely Synchronized Group, LOP, LORAN, LORCS, Lorentz force, Lorentz medium, Lorentz theorem, Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon, Lorentzian line shape, Lorentzian lineshape function, Lorenz, Ludwig Valentin, LOROP, LOS, Loss, Loss Angle, loss coefficient, Loss Event, Loss Factor, Loss Of Load Probability, loss of load probability *LOLP, loss of service, loss tangent, Losses, lossless coding, lossless compression, lossless predictive coding, lossless source coding, lossless source encoding, loss-of-field relay, lossy coding, lossy compression, lossy encoding, Lossy Line, lossy source coding, lossy source encoding, Lost Foam, Lost Foam Process, LOT, Lot Inspection, Lot Number, LOTREX, LOTS, LOTUS, Loudness Control, Loudspeaker, Louvers, Love, Low Backdriving Planetary Gear, Low Batt. Det., Low Bit Rate Voice, low byte, Low Carbon Steel, Low Coating, Low Enriched Uranium, Low Frequency, Low Frequency Compensation, Low Frequency Distortion, Low Gear, Low Hydrogen Electrode, Low Level Modulation, low level waste, Low Line O/P, Low Lube, Low Noise Amplifier, low noise amplifier (LNA), low noise earth, low order interleaving, low output capacitance Plumbicon tube, Low Pass Filter, Low Pivot Swing Axle, Low Power FM Radio, Low Pressure Mercury Lamp, Low Pressure Sodium Lamp, Low Pressure Steam, Low Pressure Tire, low resistance grounded system, low side, Low Side Drive, Low Speed Traction Control, low state, Low Stress Scratching Abrasion, Low Tension Leads, Low Voltage, low voltage holding coil, Lowboy, Low-enriched uranium, Lower Flammable Limit, Lower Flammable Limit (LFL), lower frequency band edge, lower side frequency, Lower Sideband, Lower Telecommunication Equipment Room, Lower-Frequency Cutoff, LOWESS, Lowest Replaceable Unit, Lowest Usable Frequency, low-level transmitter, low-level vision, low-pass equivalent (LPE) model, Low-Pass Filter, low-pass signal, low-power TV (LPTV), low-pressure discharge, low-pressure mercury (vapor) lamp, low-pressure sodium (vapor), Low-Side, Low-Voltage Switching System, LOX, LP, L-pad, LPC, LPD, LPDA, LPDM, Lpe, LPE model, LPF, LPG, LPH, LPI, LPM, LPSB, LPT, LPTV, LPU, LPV, LPW, LQ control, LR, LRA, LRAD, LRC, LRD, LRF, LRF/D, LRG, LRM, LRM calibration, LRN, LRO, LRP, LRPT, LRRM calibration, LRRP, LRS, LRST, LRSU, LRT, LRU, Lru, LRU bits, LRU replacement, LRU stack, LS, LSA, Lsalgorithm, LSB, LSC, LSCC, LSCDM, LSD, LSE, LSI, LSIMHBIWFEFMTALOL, LSL, LSM, LSN, LSO, LSPR, LSS, LST, LSU, LSV, LSWD, LT, LTC, Ltd, LTD/R, LTE, LTER, LTF, LTG, LTI, LTIL system, LTIOV, LTL, LTM, LTNS, LTON, LTREB, LTRMP, LTRRS, Ltrs, LTS, LTT, LTTE, LTU, Lubrication, Lubrication Detonation, Lubricator, LUCC, LUCC-CPPC, LUCIE, Lucknow, Luders Line, Luders Lines or Bands, Lug, lumen, lumen (lm), Luminaire, Luminaire Efficiency, Luminaires, luminance, luminance ratio, luminescence, luminosity, Luminous Efficacy, luminous efficiency, Luminous Flux, Luminous Intensity Distribution, Lumped Constants, lumped element, Lumped Element Model, Lumped Impedance Tuning, Lumped Impedance Tuning. The insertion of an inductor or capacitor in series with an antenna to electrically lengthen or shorten the antenna., LUN, Luster, LUT, LUX, lux (lx), LV, lv *low voltage, LVC, LVD, LVDS, LVDT, LVECL, LVL CHG, LVO, LVPECL, LVQ, LVS, LVTTL, LW, LWC, LWIR, LWP, LWR, LWRM, LY, Lyapunov, Alexandr M., Lyapunov’s direct method, Lyapunov’s first method, Lyapunov’s indirect method, Lyapunov’s second method, LZ, LZ77, LZ78, LZCO,
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