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All Engineering Terms Starts with "N"
N, N Connector, N Type Semiconductor, N/A, N/C, N/O, N-1, N2, N-2, N2O, N2O5, N2O-N, N-3, N-4, N4BB, N4G, N-5, N-6, NA, NA5CRO, Naa, NAAC, NAAG, NAAQ, NAAQS, NABARD, NABE, NABH, Nabs, NAC, NACA, NACE, NACISA, NACISC, NACNEMS, NACo, Nacs, NACSEM, NACSI, NACSIM, NAD 27, NAD 83, NADEFCOL, NADEP, NADIN II, NADP, NADP/NTN, NADRA, NADT, NADW, NAE, Naec, NAEC-ENG, NAEG, NAEP, NAF, NAFAG, NAFCOM, NAFED, NAfME, NAFTA, NAI, NAIC, NAICS, NAK, Nakagami fading, NAL, NALC, NALCO, NALE, NALMS, NALSS, NAM, NAMA, NAMAS, Name Components, Name Resolution, Name Service, Nameplate Rating, Namespace, Namilcom, Naming Context, Naming Domain, NAMo, NAMP, NAMS, NAMTO, NaN, NAND, NAND Circuit, NAND flash memory, NAND Gate, Nano, nano (n), nanocell, Nanochip, nanoelectronics, Nanogenerator, nanolithography, nanometer, Nanotransistor, Nanotube Antenna, Nanovolt, NANP, NANPA, NAOC, NAP, NAPAP, NAPCAN, NAPCAP, NAPMA, NAPMIS, NAPP, NAPRA, Napster, NAR, NARA, NARAC, NARC, NARE, NARI, NARL, NARP, Narrow, narrow band, Narrow Band Amplifier, Narrow Band FM, Narrowband, narrow-band fading, narrow-band filter, narrow-band interference (NBI), Narrowband Signal, NARS, NARSNDF, n-ary Code, NAS, NAS Accelerator, NAS computer, NASA, NASA/EDC, nasal, NASAR, NASC, NASCAR, NASCOM, NASDA, NASDAQ, Nash equilibrium, NASIC, Nasis, NASM, NASQUAN, NASS, NASSCOM, NAST, NASTRAN, NAT, NATA, NATCA, NATGRID, National Affiliated System, National Electrical Code, National Electrical Code (NEC), National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), National Information Infrastructure, National Table Of Frequency Allocations, National Television System Committee, National Television System Committee (NTSC), NATO, NATOPS, NATT, Natural Aging, natural broadening, natural commutation, natural constraint, Natural Draft Cooling Tower, Natural Frequency, Natural Gas, Natural Horizon, natural laser, NATURAL MAGNET, Natural Response, Natural Sand, Natural Uranium, Naturally Bonded Molding Sand, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material, NAU, nautical mile (nm), NAV, NAVAID, NAVAIDS, NAVAIR, NAVAIRSYSCOM, Naval Brass, NAVATAC, NAVCHAPDET, NAVCHAPGRU, Navcompars, NAVCOMSTA, NAVCYBERFOR, NAVELSG, NAVEODTECHDIV, NAVEURMETOCCEN, NAVFAC, NAVFACENGCOM, NAVFAC-X, NAVFAX, NAVFOR, NAVICECEN, Navigation, NAVLANTMETOCCEN, NAVMAG, NAVMED, NAVMEDCOMINST, NAVMEDLOGCOM, NAVMEDP, NAVMETOCCOM, NAVMTO, NAVOCEANO, NAVORD, NAVORDSTA, NAVPACMETOCCEN, NAVSAFECEN, NAVSAT, NAVSEA, NAVSEAINST, NAVSEALOGCEN, NAVSEASYSCOM, NAVSO, NAVSOC, NAVSOF, NAVSPACECOM, NAVSPECWARCOM, NAVSPOC, NAVSTAR, NAVSUP, NAVSUPINST, NAVSUPSYSCOM, NAVSWC, NAVWAR, Navy TACC, NAWCAD, NAWDEX, Nazi, Nb, NBA, NBAA, NBAD, NBC, NBCCS, NBD, NBDP, NBFC, NBG, NBI, NBIF, NBIOME, NBIS, NBPPL, NBR, NBRA, NBRF, NBRI, NBS, NBST, Nbsv(s), NBT, NBVC, NC, NC-17, NC3A, Nc3o, NCA, NCAA, NCAER, NCAGS, NCAP, NCAPS, NCAR, NCASI, NCB, NCBS, NCC, NCCR, NCCS, NCD, NCDC, NCDCDS, NCDEX, NCDRC, NCDS, NCE, NCELL, NCEP, NCERT, NCES, NCESGR, NCF, NCFR, NCFSU, NCGIA, N-Channel FET, n-channel MOSFET, NCHB, NCHER, NCHR, NCHRH, NCIC, NCIJTF-AG, NCIS, NCISRA, NCISRO, NCISRU, NCIX, NCLAN, NCMC, NCMI, NCMP, NCMRWF, NCO, NCOB, NCOIC, NCOS, Ncow rm, NCP, NCPC, NCPCR, NCPDI, NCPO, NCPUL, NCQ, NCR, NCRCC, NCRCG, NCRDEF, NCR-IADS, NCRP, NCRT, NCS, NCS&T, NCSA, NCSC, NCSCM, NCSD, NCSE, NCSU, NCSWCLB, NCT, NCTAMS, NCTC, NCTE, NCTS, NCV, NCVT, NCW, Ncwnc3b, NCWS, ND, NDA, NDAA, NDAF, NDB, NDBC, NDC, NDCDB, NDCS, NDDB, NDDOC, NDF, NDHQ, NDIC, NDIIPP, NDIR, NDL, NDMA, NDMC, NDMS, Ndn, NDOC, NDP, NDPB, NDPC, NDPD, NDPL, NDR, Ndr, NDRC, NDRF, NDS, NDSC, NDSF, NDT, NDTL, NDTT, NDTV, NDU, NDVI, NE, NE, NEA, NEAPACC, Near End, Near End Crosstalk, near field, Near Field Communication, near infrared, Near Side, Near Synchronous Orbit, Near-End Crosstalk, nearest neighbor algorithm, near–far effect, near–far resistant, Near-Infrared Illumination, NEASC, NEAT, Neat Brick, Neat Cement, Neat Plaster, NEB, NEBOSH, NEBS, NEC, NEC, *national electrical code, NECC, Necessary Bandwidth, Neck Down, Necker cube, Necking, Necking Down, Necleus, NECT, NED, NEDFi, Needle, Needle And Seat, Needle Beam, Needle Cage, Needle Cutter Steel, Needle Valve, Needling Agents, NEERI, NEESLA, NEET, NEFA, NEFT, NEG, Negate, Negation, negation operator, negative, Negative Acknowledgment, Negative Alteration, Negative Bias, Negative Camber, Negative Caster, negative charge, Negative Clamper, negative definite function, negative differential resistance (NDR), Negative Electrode, Negative Feedback, negative ground, negative ion, Negative Logic, Negative Offset, Negative Offset Steering, negative photoresist, Negative Pole, Negative Quenching, negative resistance, negative resistance oscillator, negative semidefinite function, negative sequence, negative sequence overcurrent relay, Negative Temperature Coefficient, Negative Thermoie Heat Exchange, negative transition angle, negative-positive-zero (NPO), Negative-Resistance, Negative-Resistance Element, negative-sequence impedance, negative-sequence reactance, NEGP, NEHA, NEIC, NEIDA, neighborhood in self-organizing system, neighborhood operation, NELR, NEMA, NEMA *National Electrical Manufacturers Association, NEMA code letter, NEMA size, NEMA type, nematic, nematic liquid crystal, NEMSPA, NEMT, NEO, NEOCC, neocognitron, neodymium-iron-boron, Neon, Neon Bulb, NEP, NEPA, NEPAL, neper, NEPP, NEPZ, NERC, NERDDC, NEREP, Nerf Wheel, NERI, Nernst Equation, Nernst Factor, Nero, NERP, NERSC, NES, NESCO, NESDIS, NESDP, NESHAP, NESS, NEST, Nested Class, nested structure, nested subroutine, Nesting, Nestle, net, Net Authentication, Net Capability, Net Centric Technologies, Net Control Station, Net Generation, Net Neutrality, Net News Transport Protocol, NetBIOS, Netbook, Net-cat, netCDF, NETOPS, NETS, Netsec, NETT, Nettop, NETWARCOM, Net-ware, Network, Network Access Point, Network Access Server, Network Addressable Unit, Network Administrator, network analyzer, Network Architecture, Network Attached Storage, Network Bonding, Network Cabling, Network Configuration, Network Control Point, network distribution system, Network Drive, Network Facilities, network function, Network HOP, Network Host, Network Identity, Network Installation of the Subscriber, Network Interface Card, network interface card (NIC), Network Interface Device, Network Layer, Network Line, network measurement division (NMD) connector, Network Monitoring, Network Operations Center, Network PC, Network Performance, Network Problem Determination Application, network pruning, Network Security, Network Service, Network Service Provider, Network Storage System, Network Structure, Network Switch, Network Synthesis, Network Tap, Network Terminal Number, Network Theorems, network time constant, Network to Network Interface, Network Topology, Network Virtual Terminal, network weight, Networking, Networking Chip, Networking Group, Neumann Band, neural network, Neural Networks, neural tree, neuro-fuzzy control system, neuron, Neutral, neutral atom, neutral axis, Neutral Conductor, Neutral Ground Reactor, Neutral Grounding Resistor, neutral plane, neutral point displacement voltage, Neutral Refractories, Neutral Steer, neutral wire, neutral zone, Neutralization, Neutralization Number, neutrino laser, neutron, NEW, New Jersey Sand, New Operator, New York City blackout, NEWAC, NEWCS, Newline, NEWS, Newton, newton (N), Newton’s method, Newton–Euler recursive algorithm, Newton–Raphson method, Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, Newton's Second Law of Motion, NEXCOM, NEXRAD, NEXT, Next Generation Network, Next Standard Operation, Neyman–Pearson detector, NF, NFA, NFC, NFD, NFDC, nf-EBM, NFELC, NFERC, NFESC, NFF, NFFS, NFI, NFIB, NFIP, NFL, NFLIR, NFLS, NFMA, NFN, NFO, NFPA, NFS, NG, NG JFHQ-State, NGA, NGAN, NGATM, NGB, NGB-OC, NGC, NGCC, NGCDP, NGCSP, NGDC, NGF, NGFS, NGIC, Nginx, NGK, NGLO, NGM, NGMA, NGN, NGO, NGP, NGRBA, NGRF, NGRM, NGRS, NGS, NGSDC, NGV, NGVD 29, NH, NH3, NH4+, NHA, NHAI, NHAP, NHC, NHDP, NHEML, NHPC, NHRC, NHRE, NHRI, NHSC, NHTSA, NI, NIA, NIACL, NIAES, Nibble, nibble-mode DRAM, Nibbling, NIBM, NIBRS, NIC, NICAD, NICC, NICCL, NICCP, Nichols chart, Nichrome, Nichrome Wire, NICI, Nickel, Nickel Based Superalloys, Nickel Cadmium Battery, Nickel Silver, Nickel Steel, nickel-cadmium cell, NICO, Nics, NICSI, NICU, NICWA, NID, NIDC, NIDM, NIDMS, NIDS, NIE, NIEHS, NIELIT, NIES, NIEX, NIEXPG, NIF, NIFT, NIFTY, NIGEC, Night Effect, Night Service, night vision, NIH, NII, Nii, NIIB, NIIT, Nike, Nikon, NIL, Nile, NILU, NIM, Nimbus, NIMCAMP, NiMH, NIMHANS, Nimonic Alloy, NIMS, Nine Inch Equivalent, Nines Complement, Nintendo, NIO, Niobium, NIOC, NIOS, NIOSH, NIP, NIPDWS, NIPF, NIPM, Nipple, NIPRNET, NIPS, NIR, NIRP, NIRT, NISA, NISH, NISM, NISP, Nissan, NIST, NISTEP, NIT, Nital, NITC, NITDC, NITES, NITF, NITIE, NITJ, NITPU, Nitriding, Nitriding Steel, Nitrogen, Nitrogen Back Up Air, Nitrogen Flush, NIU, NIV, NIWA, Nixie Tube, NJOIC, NJTTF, NKA, NKBA, NKC, NKO, NKS, NL, NLC, Nld, NLE, NLECS, NLG, NLLM, NLM, NLO, NLP, NLR, NLSP, NLT, NLVF, NLW, NM, Nm3, NMAT, NMAWC, NMB, NMBS, NMC, NMCB, NMCC, NMCE, NMCS, NMCSO, NMD, NMD connector, NMDC, NMDS, NMEC, NMEP, NMFECC, NMFS, NMHC, NMI, NMIC, NMIO, NMIST, NMITLI, NMNH, NMO, NMOC, NMOS, NMOSW, NMP, NMPS, NMR, NMRC, NMS, NMSA, NMSC, NMS-CO, NMS-CWMD, NMSP-WOT, NMT, NNAG, Nnemp, NNMI, Nnoc, NNSA, NNSF, NNSS, NNTO, Nntp, NNWC, NNWSI, No, No Draft Forging, no fetch on write, No inductive Circuit, No Load Loss, no load tap changer, No Operation [Instruction], no voltage holding coil, No. 1 Heavy Melt, NO2, NO3, NOAA, NOACT, NOAH, Nobake Binder, Noble Gas, Noble Metals, NOBREX, NOC, NOCONTRACT, Nodal Analysis, nodal cell, nodal system, NODC, NODDS, Node, node analysis, Node Voltage Method, NodeB, NODS, Nodular Fireclay (Burley, Burley Flint), Nodular Graphite, Nodular Iron, Nodular Pearlite, NOE, NOEA, NOFORN, No-frost Freezer, NOG, NOGAPS, NOHD, NOIC, NOIDA, Noise, Noise Bandwidth, noise circles, noise clipping, Noise Factor, Noise Figure, noise figure meter, Noise Figure/Noise Factor, noise floor, noise immunity, Noise Jamming, Noise Level, Noise Limiter, Noise Margin, Noise Modulation, noise power, noise power ratio (NPR), Noise Radiator, noise rejection, noise smoothing, noise spectrum, noise subspace, noise suppression, Noise Suppressor, noise temperature, Noise Voltage, noise whitening, noiseless source coding, noiseless source coding theorem, noisy channel vector quantization, noisy channel VQ, noisy source coding, NOK, Nokia, no-load test, NOLSC, NOMHICE, Nominal Bandwidth, Nominal Capacity, nominal voltage, Nomogram, Nomograph, NOMS, NOMWC, Non Coincidental Peak Load, Non Cutoff, Non Destructive Testing, Non Ferrous Founders' Society, Non Ferrous Metals, Non Firm Power, Non Halogen Ethylene Co-Polymers, Non Heat Treatable Alloy, Non Inductive Load, Non Involute Gears, Non Linear, Non Load Break, Non Magnetic Steels, Non Metallic Inclusions, Non Refractory Alloy, Non Repudiable Transaction, Non Return, Non Return to Zero, Non Return to Zero Inverted, Non Return Valve, Non Scalloping Quality Strip Steel, Non Trip-Free Circuit Breaker, Non Utility Generator, Non Utility Power Producer, Non Volatile Random Access Memory, nonallocate on write, non-binary codes, Non-Blocking, nonblocking cache, noncausal system, noncentrosymmetric medium, Non-code Installation, noncoherent, non-coincidental peak load, noncollinear geometry acousto-optical tunable filter, noncollinear geometry AOTF, Non-Composite Video Signal, Non-condensables, Non-conductor, noncooperative game, Noncrystalline, non-customer-call, nondegenerate network, nondegenerate two-wave mixing, Nondegenerative Parametric Amplifier, nondestructive readout, Nondestructive Testing, Nondirectional, nondispersive medium, Non-Erasable Memory, Non-ferrous Alloy, Nonferrous Metals, Nonfill, non-firm power, Non-frosting Evaporator, nonfuzzy output, nonhomogeneous linear estimator, Non-Inductive, Noninductive Circuit, Non-Inductive Circuit, Non-Inductive load, noninteraction of photons, Non-intrusive Monitoring, noninvasive sensor, noninvertible system, Non-Inverting Amplifier, non-inverting input, Non-Ionising Radiation, non-linear, Nonlinear Device, nonlinear dielectric property, Nonlinear Distortion, nonlinear effect, nonlinear electro-acoustic property, nonlinear electro-optic property, nonlinear filter, Nonlinear Impedance, nonlinear load, nonlinear magnetic property, nonlinear mean-square estimate, nonlinear medium, nonlinear model, nonlinear optics, nonlinear response, non-linear scale, nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation, nonlinear susceptibility, nonlinear system, nonlinearity, nonlinear-optic logic gate, nonlinear-optic material, nonlocal optics, NON-MAGNETIC MATERIAL, Non-Maskable Interrupt, nonmaskable interrupt (NMI), Non-mechanical Refrigeration, nonorthogonal wavelets, nonparabolic band, nonparametric estimation, nonradiating dielectric (NRD) waveguide, nonrecurring engineering (NRE), nonrecursive equation, nonredundant number system, nonremovable disk, Nonrenewable Fuels, Nonrepairable, Non-Repudiation, Nonresonant Line, Non-Return to Zero, non-return-to-zero inverted recording, non-return-to-zero recording, nonrigid body motion, Non-Saturated Logic, nonsaturated region, nonseparable data, Non-Shorting Switch, nonstate variable, Nonsynchronous, Non-Synchronous Transmission, Non-Threshold Logic, non-time delay fuse, Non-Transparent Mode, non-transposition, nonuniform sampling, nonuniformly excited equally spaced linear array (NEESLA), nonunity feedback, non-utility generator, non-utility power producer, nonvolatile, nonvolatile memory, Non-Volatile Memory, Non-Volatile RAM, nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM), Non-Volatile Storage, Non-Wire Wound Resistor, nonzero-sum game, NOO, no-op, NOP, NOPEX, NOPLAN, NOR, NOR flash memory, NOR GATE, NORAD, norator, NORDA, NORDMAP, NORKA, norm, Normal, Normal Charge, normal closed, normal demagnetization curve, normal dispersion, normal distribution, Normal Duty, Normal Equipment, Normal Hydrogen Electrode, Normal Mode, Normal Mode Noise, Normal Segregation, Normal Steel, Normal Stress, Normal Temperature And Pressure, normal tree, normal vector, normalization, normalized number, Normalizing, Normally Aspirated, Normally Closed, normally closed contact, normally closed, time to close, Normally Closed/Released Contacts, Normally Open, normally open and *normally closed, Normally Open And Normally Closed, normally open contact, normally open, time to close, normal-mode noise, NORPAX, NORS, north Pole, Northeast blackout, Norton Amplifier, Norton theorem, Norton's Theorem, NOS, NOSC, NOSS, NOSSA, NOT, NOT Circuit, NOT gate, NOTA, NOTAM, NOTAR, notch, Notch Bar, Notch Brittleness, Notch Double Shear, Notch Filter, Notch Sensitivity, Notched Bar, Notched Bar Test, Notching Relay, NOTMAR, NOV, Novalak, NOWES, no-write allocate, NOx, Noxious Fumes, NOx-N, NOy, NOYB, Noyce, Robert N., NOZE, Nozzle, Nozzle Brick, Nozzle Pocket Brick, NP, NPA, NPAPI, NPC, NPCIC, NPCIL, NPCL, NPDES, NPE, NPES, NPG, NPIC, NPL, NPN, NPN, NPN transistor, NPO, NPOESS, NPOP, NPP, NPPD, NPR, NPRM, NPS, NPT, NPT, NPTEL, NPWIC, NQ, NR, NRA, NRAT, NRC, NRCAF, NRCC, NRCFOSS, NRCHB, NRCHF, NRCHTB, NRCP, NRCT, NRD, NRD waveguide, NRDC, NRDY, NRE, NREGA, NREN, NREP, NRF, NRFI, NRG, NRHM, NRI, NRK, NRL, NRM, NRN, NRO, NROC, NROSS, NRP, NRPC, NRPGC, Nrpl, Nrs, NRSA, NRSC, NRT, NRTD, NRV, NRZ, Nrzi, NRZ-Level, NS, NSA, NSA/AAO, NSA/CSS, NSAID, NSAP, NSARC, NSAT, NSAWC, NSBF, NSC, NSC/DC, NSC/IPC, NSC/IWG, NSC/PC, NSC/PCC, NSCAT, NSCID, NSCN, NSCS, NSCT1, NS-CWMD, NSD, NSDA, NSDD, NSDL, NSDM, NSDS-E, NSE, NSEP, n-sequence, NSERC, NSF, NSFNET, NSFS, NSFW, NSG, NSGI, NSHS, NSIC, NSIDC, NSJI, NSL, NSM, NSMS, NSN, NSNIS, NSO, NSOC, NSOOC, NSP, N-Sp/CC, NSpC, NSPD, NSPI, NSRDC, NSRL, NSS, NSSA, NSSDC, NSSE, NSSFC, NSSL, NSSO, NSST, NST, NSTAC, NSTC, NSTEDB, NSTISSC, NSTL, Nstn, NSTS, NSUI, NSW, NSWCDD, NSWCOM, NSWG, NSWS, NSWTF, NSWTG, NSWTU, NT, NT-1, NTACS, NTAP, NTB, NTBC, NTC, NTC Thermistor, NTCS-A, NTDS, NTE, NTF, NTFS, N-TFS, nth, NTIA, NTIC, NTIS, NTISS, NTISSI, NTISSP, NTM, NTMPDE, NTMS, NTN, NTO, NTP, NTP, *Normal temperature and pressure condition, NTPC, NTPS, Ntra, NTRP, NTS, NTSB, NTSC, NTSE, NTSS, NTTP, Ntts, NTU, N-Type Material, n-type semiconductor, NU, NuBus, NUC, Nuclear, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Fission, nuclear fuel, nuclear fuel management, Nuclear Fusion, nuclear magnetic resonance, Nuclear Power, nuclear power plant, nuclear reaction, nuclear reactor, Nucleation, nucleus, NUDET, NUEPA, NUFEA, NUI, Nui, Nuke, null, Null Character, null controllability, Null Modem, Null RPC, null space, null space of the Jacobian, null steering, Null. No output, nullator, null-to-null bandwidth, NUM LOCK, Number, Number As Pertaining To Hardness, Number Representation, Number System, Numeral, Numeric Check, numerical aperture (NA), numerical methods, NUP, NUREG, NURP, Nut, NUWEP, NV S, NVD, NVD: *neutral voltage displacement, NVDT, NVG, NVI, Nvis, NVM, NVR, NVRAM, NVS, NV-S, NVV, NW, NW3C, NWARS, NWB, NWBLTU, NWCMC, NWDC, n-well, NWFA, NWFP, NWIAA, NWLISN, NWP, NWPA, NWPM, NWR, NWRC, NWREP, NWRI, NWS, NWSRFS, NWSU, NWT, NWWA, NX, NY, nybble, NYC, NYCLD, NYKS, Nylon, Nylon Insulated Wire, NYMEX, NYPD, Nyquist, Nyquist A/D converter, Nyquist band, Nyquist criterion, Nyquist frequency, Nyquist I criterion, Nyquist noise, Nyquist plot, Nyquist pulse, Nyquist rate, Nyquist sampling theorem, Nyquist Theorem, NYSE, NYU, NYU/Ultra, NZ, Nzdf, NZOI, NZP, NZX,
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