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All Engineering Terms Starts with "R"
R, R & D, R&B, R&R, R&S, R&SSD, R(base L), R(base S), R(base T), R/A, R/C, R/O, R/T, R/V, R1 Valves, R143A, r2, R2P2, R2R, R-2R, R2R Ladder, R-2R ladder, R3, Ra, RA I, RA II, RA IV, RA-2, RAA, RABFAC, Rabi frequency, RABMN, RAC, RACCH, Race Condition, Raceway, Raceway Retrofit Kit, Raceway Trim Cover, RACH, RACI Chart, Rack, Rack and Panel Connector, Rack Mount, Rack-and-pinion, Racon Station, RAC-OT, RAD, RAD/BAR, RADA, Radar, Radar Absorbent, Radar Absorbent Material, radar cross section (RCS), Radar Horizon, Radar Navigation, Radar Reflectivity, Radar Repeater, Radar Tactical Control, Radar Target Simulator, Radarsat, RADAY, RADBN, RADC, RADCAL, RADCON, RADF, RADHAZ, Radial, radial basis function network, Radial Circuits, Radial Engine, Radial Flow Turbine Meter, radial intensity histogram, Radial Lead, Radial Ply, Radial Ring Rolling Mill, Radial Rolling Force, Radial Runout, Radial Saw, radial system, Radian, radian (rad), Radiant Efficiency, Radiant Energy, Radiant Heating, Radiant Tube Annealing Box, radiated emission, radiating aperture, Radiation, Radiation Area, radiation boundary condition (RBC), Radiation Characteristics, radiation condition, radiation efficiency, Radiation Field, Radiation Hardened, Radiation Hardness Assurance, radiation intensity, Radiation Losses, Radiation Pattern, Radiation Resistance, Radiation, Space, radiative broadening, radiative heat transfer, Radiator Fill Hole, Radio, Radio Activity, Radio Approach Aids, radio astronomy, Radio Astronomy Service, Radio Bandwidth, Radio Beacon, Radio Beacon Station, radio broadcast, Radio Broadcasting, radio communication, Radio Communications, Radio Data System, Radio Detection And Ranging, Radio Determination, Radio Determination Service, Radio Direction Finding, Radio Emergency Action And Coordination Team, Radio Fix, Radio Format Or Programming Format, Radio Frequency, radio frequency (RF), Radio Frequency Carrier Shift, Radio Frequency Channel, Radio Frequency Choke, radio frequency integrated circuit (RFIC), Radio Frequency Interference, radio frequency interference (RFI), Radio frequency radiation, Radio Frequency Spectrum, Radio Horizon, Radio Jamming, radio local loop, Radio Navigation, Radio Navigational Aid, Radio Net, Radio Positioning Land Station, Radio Range, Radio Range Finding, Radio Receiver, Radio Regulation, Radio Set Control Unit, Radio Silence, Radio Sonobuoy, Radio Spectrum, Radio Station, Radio Transmitter, Radio Warning, Radio Wave Interference, Radio Waves, Radioactive Isotopes, Radioactive Waste, Radioactivity, radio-activity, Radiodetermination, Radiodetermination-Satellite Service, Radioelectric Radiation, radio-frequency amplifier, radio-frequency generator, Radio-Frequency Interference, radio-frequency interference *RFI, radio-frequency probe, radiography, Radiolocating, Radiolocation, Radiolocation Satellite Service, radiology, radiometer, Radionavigation Land Station, Radionavigation Satellite Service, Radionavigation Service, Radionavigation Station, Radionuclide, Radiosonde, Radiosonde Station, Radiotelephone, Radiotoxicity, Radio-Toxicity, Radium, Radius, Radius Gauge, radius of curvature, Radius of Gyration, Radius Rods, Radix, radix complement, Radix Point, Radome, Radon, Radon (Rn), Radon Daughters, Radon System, Radon transform, RADPATH, RADS, radwaste, RAE, RAF, R-AFF, RAFOS, Raft Foundation, Ragged Edges, RAI, RAID, RAID Data Recovery, Rail, Rail Splitter, Rail to Rail Input, Rail to Rail Output, Rail-to-Rail, Rail-to-Rail Input, Rail-to-Rail Input or Output, RAIM, Rain Attenuation, Rain tight, Rainproof, Raintight, Raised-Cosine Filter, RAJ, RAK, Rake, RAKE receiver, Raked, R-ALOHA, RAM, Ram Intake Manifold, RAM neuron, RAM, *Random access memory, ram’s head, RAMA, Raman echo, Raman laser, Raman scatter, Raman scattering, Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata, Raman–Nath diffraction, Raman–Nath diffraction regime, Raman–Nath mode acousto-optic spectrum analyzer, Raman–Nath scattering, RAMCC, RAMDAC, Ramming, ramp, Ramp Module, RAMS, Ramsey fringe, Ran, RAND, random access, random access device, Random Access Memory, random access memory (RAM), random behavior, random coding, Random Error, Random Jitter, random logic, Random Noise, Random Number Generator, Random Numbers, random process, random replacement algorithm, random signal, random testing, random variable, random vector, Randomize, randomized decision rule, Range, Range Check, range filter, range image, Range Marker, range of Jacobian, Ranges, rank filter, rankine oR scale of temperature, RANN, RAOB, RAOC, RAP, RAPD, Rapid Application Development, Rapid Prototype Machining, Rapid Traverse, Rapping, RAPS, RAR, Rare Earth Element, rare gas, rare gas halides, rare gas molecule, rare gas oxides, Rare Gases, rare-earth magnet, rare-earth permanent magnet, Rarefied Wave, RARP, RAS, RASC, RASCAL, RAS-OT, Rasp, RASS, RAST, raster, raster coordinates, raster graphics, raster image, Raster to Vector Conversion, raster width, RASU, RAT, Rat Tail, Ratchet, RATE, Rate Center, rate distortion function, rate distortion theory, rate equation approximation, rate equation model, rate equations, Rate Gyro, rate split multiple access, rate-adaptive digital subscriber line (RDSL), rate-compatible punctured convolutional (RCPC) code, Rated Capacity, Rated Flow, Rated Lamp Life, Rated Output, Rated Output Power, Rated Pressure, Rated Temperature Rise, Rated Voltage, rate-distortion theory, ratepayer, Rating, Ratio, Ratio Correction, Ratio Detector, Ratio of Transmitted Powers, Ratiometric Measurement, rational function, Rational Number, RATT, Rattrap, Rave Valve, RAW, Raw Data Rate, Raw Water, RAWG/Hydrology, ray, ray equation, ray optics, ray tracing, ray transfer matrix, Rayleigh criterion, Rayleigh distribution, Rayleigh length, Rayleigh scattering, Rayleigh–Ritz procedure, Rayleigh-wing scattering of light, Rb, RB std, RBA, Rbac, RBC, RBE, RBECS, RBG, RBI, RBL, RBS, RBV, RC, RC Amplifier, RC Circuit, RC Constant, RC Coupled Amplifier, RC Differentiator, RC Filter, RC Integrator, RC Network, RC NORTH, RC Oscillator, RC SOUTH, RC time constant, RCA, RCA Connector, RCAT, RCB, RCBS, RCC, RCCB, RCCPDS, RCD, RCEM, RCF, RCHB, RCIED, RCL, RCM, RCMP, RCO, RCP, RCPC code, RCPT, RCRA, RCRE, RCS, RCSP, RCT, RCTA, RCU, RCVR, RCW, RCWP, RCWS, RCx, RD, RDA, RDAAC, RDBMS, RDC, RDCFP, RDCTFP, RDD, RDECOM, rdet, RDF, RDO, RDP, RDR, RDRAM, RDSC, RDSL, RDSO, RDT, RDT&E, RDX, Re, REAC/TS, reachability, REACT, Reactance, Reactance Amplifier, reactance grounded, reactance modulator, Reactance Tube, Reactance-Tube Modulator, reaction, reaction range, reactive compensation, reactive congestion control, reactive ion etching, Reactive Load, reactive matching, reactive near field, reactive power, reactor, reactor containment, reactor core, Reactor Pressure Vessel, reactor refueling, read, read ahead, read instruction, Read Only Memory, read phase, read/modify/write, read/write head, read-after-write hazard, Readings, read-modify-write cycle, read-mostly memory, read-only (ROM) memory, READY, Ready-for-Data Signal, real address, real number, real power, Real Time, Real Time Analysis, Real Time Computing, Real Time Operating System, Real Time Pricing, Real Time Processing, Real Time System, Real Transformer Energy Losses, realization, real-time, Real-Time Clock, real-time computing, real-time pricing, Reamer, Reaming Line, Rear Axle Ratio, Rear Suspension, Rear Triangle, Reasonable Assurance, Reasonableness Check, Reasonableness Checks, Rebar, Rebecca-Eureka Transponding Radar, REC, RECA, Recalescence, Recarburizing, RECAS, RECAT, RECCE, Receive Only, Received Data, Received Line Signal Detector, Received Noise Power, received signal strength indicator (RSSI), Receiver, Receiver Heating Element, receiver noise, receiver operating characteristics curve, Receiver Sensitivity, Receiver-drier, Receiving Antenna, Receiving End, Receiving Ladle, Receptacle, Receptacle Outlet, Receptacles, Recess, Reciprocal Agreement, Reciprocal Lattice, Reciprocal Meter, Reciprocating Compressor, Reciprocation Motion, reciprocity, reciprocity in scattering, reciprocity theorem, Recirculated Air, Recirculating Ball System, Recirculating Line, Recirculating Water, recloser, Re-Closer, reclosing relay, RECMOB, Recognizer, recoil permeability, recombination, recombination X-ray laser, RECON, reconstruction, reconstruction from marker, record, Record Keeping System, Record Length, Record Office, Record Series, Recordable DVD, recording code, recording density, Recording Thermommeter, Records, Records Inventory, Records Management, Records Officer, Records Schedule, Records Services Application Number, Recovered Energy, recovery, Recovery Action, Recovery Point Objective, Recovery Pump, Recovery Strategy, Recovery Testing, Recovery Time, Recovery Time Objective, Recrystallization, Recrystallization Temperature, rectangle detection, rectangular cavity, Rectangular Connector, rectangular wave, Rectangular Waveform, rectangular window, Rectification, Rectifier, Rectifier Circuit, Rectifier Type Meter, Rectifiers, recurrent coding, recurrent network, recursion, recursive filter, recursive function, recursive method, recursive procedure, Recursive Relationship, recursive self-generating neural network (RSGNN), Recycle mark, Recycling, Recystallization Annealing, RED, Red book, Red Brass, Red Hardness, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, red head, RED HORSE, Red Rust, Red Shorness, Red-Hat, Redo Logs, Redox Potential, reduced characteristic table, Reduced Enamel Epithelium, reduced instruction set computer (RISC) processor, reduced low voltage system, Reduced-Carrier Transmission, reduced-order model, reduced-voltage motor starter, Reducing Agent, Reducing Atmosphere, Reducing Elbow, Reducing Flange, Reducing Nipple, Reducing Station, Reducing Tee, Reducing Valve, Reduction, Reduction of Area, redundancy, Redundancy Check, Redundancy Checking, redundancy encoding, redundancy statistics model, redundancy-free channel coding, Redundant, Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID), Redundant Code, Redundant Data, redundant manipulator, redundant number system, Redundant Power Supply, Redundant Site, Redundant Source Records, Reebok, Reed Relay, Reed Switch, Reed Valve, Reed–Solomon code, REEL, Reel Digs, Reel Kinks, Reengineering, reentrancy, re-entrancy, reentrant, REER, REF, Ref Circuit, Reference, reference black level, Reference Clock, Reference Conditions, reference frame, Reference Frequency, reference impedance, Reference Line, reference matrix, reference monitor, reference node, Reference Noise, Reference Plane, Reference Point, Reference Range, Reference Value, reference white, reference white level, Referential Integrity Constraint, Refined Aluminum, Refining, Refining Temperature, reflectance, Reflected Impedance, reflected power, Reflected Wave, Reflection, Reflection Coefficient, reflection grating, Reflection Waves, reflective notching, reflectivity, reflectometer, Reflector, reflector antenna, Reflector Confusion, Reflector Sheet, Reflectoscope, REFLEX, Reflex Klystron, Reflow Plate, Reflow Soldering, Reflowed Surface, refraction, Refractive Index, refractivity, Refractory, Refractory Alloy, Refractory Brick, Refractory Clay, Refractory Metal, refractory period, refresh, refresh cycle, refresh period, Refresh Rate, Refrigerant, Refrigerant Charge, Refrigerant Control, Refrigerant Lines, Refrigerating Capacity, Refrigerating Effect, Regd, REGEDIT, Regenerant, Regenerated Clock, Regeneration, regeneration loop, regenerative braking, Regenerative Circuit, Regenerative Cooling, Regenerative Detector, Regenerative Feedback, Regenerative Gas Turbine, Regenerator, Region, region growing, region of absolute convergence, region of asymptotic stability, region of attraction, region of convergence (ROC), region of interest (ROI), region of support, Register, register alias table, register direct addressing, register file, register indirect addressing, register renaming, register transfer notation, register window, Registered Jack, registration, Registration Authority, Registry, Registry Key, Registry Virtualization, regression, Regression Analysis, Regression Testing, REGT, regular controllability, regular cue, regular form, regularization, regulated power supply, Regulating Transformer, regulation, Regulator, Reheating, Reheating Air, REHI, Reinforced, Reinforced Concrete, Reinforced Insulation, Reinforced Polymer Motor, reinforcement learning, Reinforcing Bar (Rebar), rejection criteria, REKLIP, REL, Relation, Relation Schema, Relational Database Life Cycle, Relational Database Management System, Relational Database Model, relational model, Relational Operator, Relationship, Relationship Instance, Relationship Type, relative, relative addressing, Relative Attenuation, relative controllability, relative entropy, Relative Error, Relative Humidity, Relative ID, relative intensity noise, relative permeability, relative permittivity, Relative To A Specific Frame Of Reference, Relative Transmission Level, relative-address coding, relaxation, relaxation labeling, relaxation oscillations, Relaxation Oscillator, relaxation time, Relay, Relay Call, relay channel, Relay Contact Bounce, Relay Driver, Relay Numerical, Relays, Relays Distance, Relays Over Current, Relays Voltage, RELCAN, Release Agent (Parting Agent), Relevant Audit Evidence, Reliability, reliability criteria, Reliable Record, Relief, Relief Valve, Reline, relocatability, relocation register, Reluctance, reluctance motor, reluctance torque, RELUCTOR, REM, remanence, remanent coercivity, remanent magnetism, remanent polarization, Remanufacturing, REML, Remote, Remote Access, Remote Access Server, Remote Access Service, Remote Access Technology, Remote Analog Loopback, Remote Analogue Loopback, Remote Authentication Dial In User Service, Remote Batch Processing, Remote Batch Terminal, Remote Composite Loopback, Remote Control, Remote Control Point, Remote Diode, Remote Job Entry, Remote Loopback, Remote Method Invocation, Remote Procedure Call, Remote Procedure Calling, Remote Processing, remote sensing, Remote Station, Remote System, Remote Systems, Remote Temperature, Remote Temperature Sensor, Remote Terminal Unit, remote terminal unit (RTU), Remote-Cutoff Tube, removable disk, Removable Sections, REMT, REMUS, REN, rename register, Renault, rendering, Rendering Cement, Renewable Energy, Renewable Fuels, renewable fuse, reorder buffer, Repacking, Repair Welding, repeatability, Repeater, Repeater Jammer, Repeaters, Repeller, repetition coding, Rephosphorizing, Replate, Replenish, Replica Manager, Replicast Process, Replication, Replication Transparency, repo, REPOL, Repository, repowered plant, Re-Powered Plant, representation singularity of ϕ, representative level, reprocessing, Reproduction, Reproductive Number, REPSHIP, Repudiation, Repulsion, repulsion–induction motor, REPUNIT, Reputation Risk, REQ, REQCONF, REQSTATASK, Request For Comments, Request For Proposal, Request Protocol, Request Reply Acknowledge Protocol, Request Reply Protocol, Request to Send, Requirements, requirements analysis, RER, Reradiation, reregulation, Re-Regulation, Reroll Stock, RES, RESA, RESCAP, RESCORT, resellers, reservation ALOHA (R-ALOHA), reservation station, reserve capacity, Reserve Margin, Reserved Secondaries, Reservoir, Reset, reset scrambling, reset time, Resetting Value, residential, residential loop, Residual, Residual Bit Error Rate, Residual Current, residual current circuit breaker, residual current circuit breaker *rccb, Residual Current Device (RCD), residual current device *rcd, Residual Elements, residual error, Residual Fuel Oil, residual inductance, Residual Magetism, residual magnetism, residual overcurrent relay, residual pyramid, Residual Risk, Residual Stress, residual vector quantization, Residual Voltage, residual voltage or *discharge voltage, Residuals, Resilience, Resin, Resistance, resistance area (for an earth electrode only), Resistance Band Dispensing System, resistance ground, resistance grounded, Resistance Ratio Characteristic, Resistance Temperature Characteristic, Resistance Temperature Detectors, Resistance Thermometer, Resistance Welding, Resistance Wire, Resistive Loads, resistive mixer, resistive power, resistive temperature detector (RTD), Resistive Voltage Drop, Resistivity, Resistor, resistor color code, Resistor Decade [Box], Resistor Decade Box, Resistor Ladder, Resistor-Capacitor Filter, Resistor-Transistor Logic, Resolution, resolvable component, Resolved Shear Stress, Resolver, Resonance, Resonance Charging, resonance fluorescence, resonance Raman system, resonant, resonant antenna, resonant cavity, Resonant Circuit, Resonant Frequency, Resonant Line, resonant link inverter, resonant tunneling, Resonator, resonator stability, Resource, resource auction multiple access (RAMA), resource conflict, Resource Optimization, Resource Sharing, Respirator, Responder Electronics, Response Time, Response Token, Responsible, RESPROD, RESS, RESSAC, Rest, Rest Frequency, Rest Mass, Rest Time, restart, RESTEC, restoration, Restore, restore instruction, RESTR, Restricted Approach Boundary, Restrictor Plate, Restructuring, Resulfurized Steel, Resultant Magnetic Field, RESYNCING, RET, retail, retail company, retail competition, retail transaction, Retaining Wall, Retd, Retention Period, Retentivity, reticle, retiming, retire unit, RETR, retrace blanking, retrace switch, retrace time, Retransmission, Retrieval Task, retrograde channel, retry, return address, Return Air, Return Channel, return difference matrix at the input, return difference matrix at the output, Return Filter, return instruction, Return Line, Return Link, Return Loss, return stroke, Return to Zero, Returnability, return-to-bias recording, return-to-zero recording, REU, reusability, Reusable Filter, reuse, reuse ratio, Rev, revenue, Reverberation, Reverse AGC, Reverse Bias, Reverse Brake Shoe, reverse breakdown, reverse breakdown region, reverse breakdown voltage, Reverse Channel, reverse conducting thyristor (RCT), reverse current, reverse engineering, Reverse Flush, reverse generation-recombination current, Reverse Idler Gear, Reverse Interrupt, reverse isolation, Reverse Leakage Current, reverse link, Reverse Osmosis Membrane, Reverse Osmosis Water System, Reverse Recovery Time, reverse saturation current, reverse translation buffer, reverse voltage, Reverse-elliot Type Axle, reversible, Reversible Cycle, reversible loss, Reversible Output Current, Reversible Process, reversible temperature coefficient, reversing, Reversing Block, Reversing Mill, reversing motor starter, Reversing Valve, Revert, revolute joint, Revolutions Per Mile, revolving field, Rewind, Rewirable Fuse, Rework, Reynolds number, Reynolds Numbers, RF, RF Amplifier, RF Choke, RF input power, RF Mixer, RF output power, RF Power Transistor, RF Pulse, RF quadrature, RF quadrature demodulation, RF quadrature modulation, RF Radiation Hazard, RF Transconductance, RF Transformer, RF tuner, RF/EMPINT, RFA, RFC, RFCH, RFD, RFDI, RFDS, RFE, RFF, RFI, RFIC, RFID, RFID tagging, Rfis, RFL, RFLP, RFND, RFP, RFPF, RFQ, RFS, RFW, RG, RGA, RGB, RGCT, RGI, RGIS, RGJ, RGPV, RGR, RGS, RGUHS, Rh, RHB, RHCE, rheobase, Rheology, Rheostat, RHH, RHH 2, Rhi, RHIB, RHIESSys, RHO, Rhob, Rhombic Antenna, RHPC, RHS, RI, RIAA, Rib, rib waveguide, RIBA, Ribbing a Coating, Ribbon, Ribbon Cable, Ribbon Wound, RIC, RICE, Rice distribution, Rice factor, Rician distribution, RICO, RICS, Rid, Ride Height, Ride Steer, Rider Sweeper, Ridge, RIDGE, ridge detection, Ridge Pin, Riding The Clutch, Riffles, RIG, RIGES, Rigging, Right Angle Bevel Gearbox, Right Angle Connector, Right Angle Servo Gearhead, right angle triangle, Right Angle Worm Gear, right hand circular polarization, Right Hand Rule, RIGHT-HAND RULE, rigid body motion, Rigid Coaxial Line, Rigid Flange Couplings, rigid link, Rigid Rotor, Rigidity, RIHMI-WDC, RIK, RIL, RILWAS, RIM, Rim Brake, Rim Diameter, Rim Drivers, Rim Drop, Rim Flange, Rim Offset, Rim Pull, Rim Strip, Rim Width, RIMC, RIMI, Rimmed Steel, RIMS, Ring, Ring And Pinion, ring bus, Ring Circuit, Ring Configuration, Ring Counter, ring coupler, Ring Current, Ring End Gap, Ring Expander, Ring Gear, Ring Groove, Ring Indicator, Ring Job, ring network, ring numbering, ring resonator, Ring Ridge, Ring Rolling, Ring Side Clearance, Ring Topology, Ringback, Ringbolt, Ringdown, Ringing, RIP, Ripple, Ripple (Defect), Ripple Content Of The Output, Ripple Counter, ripple current, Ripple Factor, Ripple Filter, Ripple Frequency, Ripple Rejection, Ripple Voltage, ripple-carry adder, RIR, RIS, RISC, Rise Time, rise time degradation, Riser, Riser Blind, Riser Box, Riser Distance, Riser Gating, Riser Height, Riser Neck, Riser Open, Riser Pad, Riser Pole, Riser Side, Riser Top, rising edge, Risk, Risk Aggregation, Risk Analysis, Risk Appetite, Risk Assessment, Risk Avoidance, Risk Culture, Risk Evaluation, Risk Factor, Risk Indicator, Risk Management, Risk Map, Risk Mitigation, Risk Portfolio View, Risk Tolerance, Risk Transfer, Risk Treatment, RISOP, RISTA, RIT, RITES, RITS, RIU, Rivet, RIVM, RIVRON, RJ, RJ 11, RJ 45, RJ-11, RJ11C, RJ36X, RJ41S, RJ45, RJ-45, RJ45S, RJD, Rje, RJTD, RK, RKCL, RKM, RL, RL Differentiator, RL filter, RL Integrator, RLA, Rlb, RLC, RLC Circuit, RLD, RLE, RLEGP, RLEK, RLG, RLGM, RLGM/CD, Rli, RLL, Rlm, Rlo, Rlogin, RLP, Rlr, RLS, Rlsd, RLU, RLWL, RM, RM&A, RMA, RMC, RMES, RMI, RMKS, RmKV, RMO, RMP, RMPL, RMPs, RMR, RMS, RMS delay spread, RMS Doppler spread, RMS gain ripple, RMS phase ripple, RMS power, RMS value, rms value or root-mean-square value, rmse, RMT, RMTC, RMU, RMW, RMW memory cycle, Rn, RNA, RNAPP, RNAV, RNC, Rncp, RND, RNG, RNI, RNMI, RNP, RNPF, RNTCP, RO, ROA, Road Course, Road Feel, Road Load Horsepower, Road Wheel, Roadholding, Roadster, robot, robot programming language, robot vision, robot-oriented programming, robust control, robust controller design, robust estimation, robust fuzzy controller, robust fuzzy filter, robust stability, robust statistics, robustness, ROC, Roche, Rock Candy Fracture, Rocker Arm, Rocker Arm Shaft, Rocker Panel, Rocker Switch, Rockwell Hardness, ROCOF, ROCU, Rod, Rod Alclad, Rod Cold Finished, Rod Cold Finished Extruded, Rod Cold Finished Rolled, Rod Cold Heading, Rod Extruded, Rod Mill, Rod Rivet, Rod Side Pressure, Rodding, ROE, Roes, ROEX, ROFL, ROFLMAO, ROG, RoHS, ROI, ROICC, ROK, ROL, ROLF, Roll, Roll Bar, Roll Bruise Mark, Roll Cage, Roll Center, Roll Force Systems, Roll Forming, Roll Grind, Roll In Metal, Roll Mark, Roll Pin, Roll Roofing, Roll Scale, Roll Skid Mark, Roll Slitting, Roll Steer, Roll Stiffness, rollback, Rolled Edges, Rolled In Scale, Rolled Ring, Roller Flattening, Roller Leveling, Rollercam Brake, Rollers, Rolling, rolling ball, Rolling Direction, Rolling Lap, Rolling Mandrel, Rolling Mill, Rolling Over, Rolling Resistance, Rolling Slab, Rolling Ticket, roll-off, roll-off rate, Rollover, Rollover Board, Rollover Machine, Rolls-Royce, ROM, Romex cable, ROMO, RON, RONW, Roofing Filter, Roofing Sheet, room index, Room Index K, Root Cause Analysis, root locus, Root Mean Square, Root Mean Square Value, Rootkit, root-mean-squared (RMS) error, root-mean-squared delay spread, root-mean-squared Doppler spread, root-mean-squared gain ripple, root-mean-squared phase ripple, root-mean-squared power, Root-Raised-Cosine Filter, Roping, ROPME, ROR, ROS, Rose, Rosin Powder, ROT13, Rotary Actuator, Rotary Blade Compressor, Rotary Cap, Rotary Encoder, Rotary Engine, Rotary Joint, Rotary Pump, Rotary Shear, Rotary Strainer, Rotary Switch, Rotary Union, Rotary Variable Differential Transformer, Rotary Variable Transformer, rotate, Rotate Tires, rotating excitation system, Rotating Field, Rotating Joint, Rotating Magnetic Field, Rotating Unbalance, Rotating Vane Flow Meter, rotating wave approximation, rotating-rectifier exciter, Rotation, Rotational Latency, Rotational Life, rotational loss, rotational position sensing, rotational transition, Rotations Per Minute, ROTC, ROTFL, ROTFLOL, ROTHR, Rotman lens, Rotor, rotor power developed, rotor power input, rotor power loss, rotor reference frame, Rotor Service Factor, rotor speed, Rotoweigh, Rough Machining, rough surface, Rough Trim, Roughing Stand, Roughing Stone, Roughting, Round Conductor, Round Trip Time, rounding, Rounding Down, Roundness, round-robin arbitration, Route, Route Diagram, Router, Routers operate at the network layer (layer 3) of the ISO Open Systems Interconnection. A router reads the network layer address of all packets transmitted by a network, and forwards only those addressed to another network., Routine Tests, routing, Routing Code, Routing Indicator, Routing Line Message Relay, row decoder, row-access strobe, ROWPU, ROZ, RP, RPA, RPE, RPET, RPF, RPG, RPLI, RPM, RPN, RPO, RPOE, RPPO, RPS, RPSC, RPSL, RPSS, RPT, RPTOR, RPV, RQAAT, RQMT, RQT, RQWL, RR, RRB, RRC, RRCC, RRCT, RRDF, RREP, RREQ, RRF, RRN, RRN ANT, RRN ART, RRN CAA, RRN CAR, RRN ESA, RRN MED, RRN NAF, RRN OCE, RRN SAF, RRN TAM, RRN TEA, RRN TNH, RRN TSA, RRP, RRPP, RRR, RRS, RRTM, Rs, RS 232, RS 232 port, RS 422/RS 485, RS Flip Flop, RS flip-flop, RS Latch, RS-170A, RS-232, RS-232 port, RS-232C, RS-422, RS-423, RS-449, RSA, RSAC, RSBY, RSC, RSD, RSE, RSET, RSF, RSFSR, RSG, RSGNN, RSI, RSJ, RSL, RSMC, RSN, RSO, RSOC, RSOI, RSP, RSPA, RSR, RSRTC, RSS, RSSC, RSSC-LO, RSSD, RSSI, RST, RSTA, RSTV, RSU, RSVP, RSVY, RSWL, Rsx, RT, RTA, RTB, RTC, RTCA, RTCC, RTCH, RTCS, RTD, RTE, RTET, RTF, RTFL, RTG, RTGS, RTH, RTI, RTL, RTLP, RTM, RTMNU, RTNEPH, RTO, RTOS, RTP, RTRA, RTS, Rtse, RTSP, Rtt, RTTY, RTU, RTV, Ru, RUB, Rub Mark, Rub Tool, Rubber Id's, Rubber Roll, rubbers, Rubidium Atomic Clock, Rubidium Clock, Rubidium Standard, ruby, ruby laser, RUC, RUD, RUDA, RUF, Ruggedization, Ruggedized, RUIC, RUIM, Rule Die Steel, Rule Hook, Rulebase, Ruling Section, RUM, Rumble, Rumble Seat, Run Flat, Run Instructions, Run On, Run To Run Totals, run winding, Runabout, run-length coding, run-length encoding, run-length limited (RLL) code, Runner, Runner Extension, Runner Riser, Running And Quick Start Capability, running and quick-start capability, Running Board, running digital sum, Running Gear, running integral, Runout, RUSA, RUSCOM, Russell's Paradox, Russian Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System, Rust, RUT, Ruthenium, RV, RVAU, RVB, RVDT, RVR, RVSP, RVSR, RVT, RW, RWC, RWCM, RWD, RWP, RWR, RWS, RWVL, RX, RXLEV-D, RXLEV-U, RXQUAL-U, RZ,
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