Civil Engineering ⇒ Topic : Characteristics of Sewage
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Characteristics of Sewage : Sewage contains organic and inorganic solids in proportion of about 9 : 11. The inorganic solids are :- (1) Minerals (2) Dissolved salts (3) Sand (4) Pebbles and debris The organic solids which are present contain : (1) Cellulose (2) Fats and oils (3) Nitrogenous items (4) Hydrocarbons 1. Color : Fresh sewage is gray in color
while decomposed sewage is dark black in color.
Physical Characteristics :- 2. Odor : Fresh sewage gives soapy, oily or earthy odor while decomposed sewage contains foul smell of NH3, H2S etc. 3. Temperature : The temperature of sewage is generally high than normal water, when sewage flows in closed conduits its temperature rises, resulting in increase of bacterial activity. 4. Solids : Sewage generally contains 99-9% water and only 0-1% solids. 5. Turbidity : It depends upon the quantity of solid matter present in the state of suspension. Chemical Characteristics :- The sewage contains organic compounds which may be categorised as : 1. Compounds containing nitrogen such as urea proteins, amines and amino acids. 2. Compounds free from nitrogen such as fats, soaps and carbohydrates. | |
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