Maintenance of Track 1. Gauge maintenance : Uniformity of the
gauge should be properly maintained. Gauge may
be disturbed due to following reasons.
(a). The loosening of track fittings
(b). The irregularity of the tract gauge
increases with the passage of time. 2. Joints maintenance : A joint in the
railway track is the weakest part. Proper attention
should be paid for its maintenance. Riding,
blowing and pumping are the defects which occur
clue to faulty maintenance of the rail joints and its
surface. 3. Packing of ballast : Due to heavy loads
and vibrations caused by running trains, the ballast
under the sleepers gets loose.
4. Track drainage : The sources of
moisture in a railway track are surface water,
seepage water and hydroscopic water. The
pressure of excessive water reduces the track
stability erodes the banks of the embankments and
in some cases may even result in accidents.