Electrical Engineering ⇒ Topic : Admittance Method for Parallel A.C. Circuit Solution
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Admittance Method for Parallel A.C. Circuit Solution Fig. a (i) shows two impedances Z1 = R1- j XC1 and Z2 = R2 - j XL2 in parallel across an a.c. supply of V volts. We can convert the impedances into equivalent admittances as under : Fig. a (ii) shows Y1 and Y2 resolved into conductances and suceptances. It may be noted that conductance and suceptance components of each admittance are paralleled elements figure (a) Total circuit admittance, Y = Y1 + Y2 = (G1+ jB1)+ (G2 - jB2) = (G1 + G2) + j (B1 - B2) Y = G +jB where G = G1+ G2 and B = B1 - B2 The other circuit values can be determined quite easily as discussed in the next article. | |
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