Electrical Engineering ⇒ Topic : Dynamically Induced E.M.F.
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Dynamically Induced E.M.F. Consider a single conductor of length 1 metres moving at *right angles to a uniform magnetic field of B Wb/m2 with a velocity of v m/s [See Fig. a (i)]. Suppose the conductor moves through a small distance dx in dt seconds. Then area swept by the conductor is = l x dx figure (a) Flux cut, (dΦ) = Flux density x Area swept = B l dx Wb According to Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction, the magnitude of e.m.f. e induced in the conductor is given by ; Special case. If the conductor moves at angle θ to the magnetic field [See Fig. a (ii)], then the velocity at which the conductor moves across the field is *v sin θ. e = B l vsin θ The direction of the induced e.m.f. can be determined by Fleming's right-hand rule. | |
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