Electrical Engineering ⇒ Topic : Effects of Phase Sequence
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Effects of Phase Sequence The order in which the voltages in the three phases (R, Y and B) of an alternator reach their maximum positive values is called the phase sequence. It is determined by the direction of rotation of the alternator. Suppose an alternator rotating in an anticlockwise direction produces voltages of phase sequence RYB. If this alternator rotates in the clockwise direction, the voltages produced will have a phase sequence RBY. Since an alternator can be rotated in either anticlockwise or clockwise direction, there can be only two possible phase sequences viz. RYB and RBY . By convention, phase sequence RYB is taken as positive and RBY as negative. Suppose each phase of an alternator generates 240 V (r.m.s.). At first thought, it might seem that phase sequence is immaterial in 3-phase system. But this is not always correct as is clear from the following discussion
From the above discussion, it follows that phase sequence is very important in certain applications. While dealing with such applications, the phase sequence must be clearly specified in order to avoid unnecessary confusion. | |
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