Electrical Engineering ⇒ Topic : Introduction of Capacitance and Capacitors
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Introduction It is well known that different bodies hold different charge when given the same potential. This charge holding property of a body is called capacitance or capacity of the body. In order to store sufficient charge, a device called capacitor is purposely constructed. A capacitor essentially consists of two conducting surfaces (say metal plates) separated by an insulating material (e.g., air, mica, paper etc.). It has the property to store electrical energy in the form of electrostatic charge. The capacitor can be connected in a circuit so that this stored energy can be made to flow in a desired circuit to perform a useful function. Capacitance plays an important role in d.c. as well as a.c. circuits. In many circuits (e.g., radio and television circuits), capacitors are intentionally inserted to introduce the desired capacitance. In this chapter, we shall confine our attention to the role of capacitance in d.c. circuits only | |
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