Electrical Engineering ⇒ Topic : Methods of Lighting Calculations
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Methods of Lighting Calculations Out of several methods employed for lighting calculations some of them are mentioned below:- (I) Watt per square metre method:-This method is very hand for rough calculation or checking. (2).Lumen or Light flux method:- This method is applicable to those cases where the sources of light are such as to produce an approximate uniform illumination over the working plane or where an average value is required. (3)Point to point or inverse-square law method:- This method is applicable where the illumination at a point due to one or more sources of light is required, the candle power of the sources in the particular direction under consideration being known. (4)Electric lamps:- There are 3 types of electric lamps :- (i) Filament lamps (Incandescent lamps) Filament lamps may be (a)Vacuum type (b)Gas filled (ii) Electric discharge lamps (a)Cold cathode lamp (b)Hot cathode lamp | |
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