Electrical Engineering ⇒ Topic : Rotor E.M.F., Current and Power
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Rotor e.m.f:- When the rotor is stationary, an induction motor is equivalent to a 3-phase transformer with secondary short-circuited. Therefore, the induced e.m.f. per phase E2 in the rotor at the instant of starting is given as : ............... (1) where E1= applied voltage per phase to primary, i.e., stator winding, N1= number of stator turns, and N2 = number of rotor turns When the rotor starts gaining speed,. the relative speed of the rotor with respect to stator flux, i.e., slip, is decreased. Hence induced e. m. f. in the rotor, which is directly proportional to the relative speed, i.e., slip, is also decreased and is given by sE2. Hence for slip 's', the induced e.m.f. in the rotor is s times the induced e.m.f in the rotor at standstill. Rotor current : Let R2 = rotor resistance/phase, L2 = rotor inductance/phase, and E2 = induced e.m.f. of rotor/phase at standstill At standstill : Induced e.m.f. of rotor/phase = E2 Rotor winding resistance/phase = R2 Rotor winding reactance/phase,X2 = 2πL2 where f is the supply frequency Rotor impedance/phase, Rotor current/phase = At slip 's' : Induced e.m.f. of rotor/phase =sE2 Rotor winding resistance = R2 Rotor winding reactance = 2ΠfL2= 2ΠsfL2= s(2ΠfL2) = sX2 Rotor winding impedance/phase Rotor current/phase, ............ (2) The rotor current I2 lags the rotor voltage E2 by rotor power factor angle Φ2 Power factor of rotor current, Power:- ..........(1) Eqn. (1) can be represented by a simple series circuit as shown in Figure Figure Rotor equivalent circuit of an induction motor It is seen from this circuit that per phase power' input (gross) to rotor. where
An examination of Figure also shows that per phase power input to rotor is equal to as the reactance X2 consumes no power Pg is t he power transferred from stator to rotor across the air gap. In view of this, Pg called tht. air-gap power. The expression for Pg may be written as = Rotor ohmic loss + internal mechanical power developed in rotor (Pmech) ............... (a) .................. (b) Rotor ohmic loss = .................. (c)
Internal (or gross) torque developed per phase is given by The power available at the shaft can be obtained from Pg as follows : Output or shaft power, Psh= Pm- mechanical losses (friction, and windage losses) or Psh= Pg- rotor ohmic loss - friction and windage losses. Output or shaft torque It stator input is known, then air-gap power Pg is given by Pg = stator power input - stator I2R loss - stator core loss | |
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