Electrical Engineering ⇒ Topic : Types of DC Motors
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TYPES OF D.C MOTORS:- 1. Shunt motor. As the load torque ncreases the speed falls soinewhat, but the machine mar be regared as an approximately constant speed motor. The shunt motor is used:-
2. Series motor. As the load torque increases the speed falls rapidly. At low torque the speed becomes very high and machine tends to race. The series motors are used:-
3. Cumulative compound motor. In this type of motor the speed falls appreciably as the torque increases, but on low torques the maximum speed is limited to a safe value. These motors are used :
In such a case a flywheel is usually fitted so that when speed is so reduced the kinetic energy stored in the flywheel at high speeds is given up to assist the motor is driving the heavy load. When the supply voltage is subject to fluctuations (as in traction system). 4. Differential compound motor. The speed at low torque is limited by the shunt winding, as in the cumulative compound machine. At high torques, the speed may be arranged to remain constant or, with a stronger series field, the speed may rise with increasing load. On very heavy loads the machine may tend to race. Its use is usually restricted to applications which require a constant speed. | |
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