Vedic / Quicker / Shortcut Math ⇒ Topic : Find Five digit Cube and cube root
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Need to remember 1 to 10 cube and this so easy for any one.Which will help in obtaining cube and cube root numbers. 13=1 23=8 33=27 43=64 53=125 63=216 73=343 83=512 93=729 103=1000 Need to remember 1 to 10 cube and this so easy for any one.Example 1: 3√13824 = ? Answer : Step 1: Last digit of cube number from right side is 4 that we consider 64 = 43 we put down 4. Then Step 2: Take the number whose cube is nearest to 13. That is 13 is nearest to 23 and 33 we take small one cube digit that is 2.3√13824 So the answer is 24. Example 2:
3√15625= ? Example 3:
3√42875= ? | |
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