Electrical Engineering ⇒ Topic : Motion of a Charged Particle in Uniform Electric Field
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Motion of a Charged Particle in Uniform Electric Field Consider that a charged particle of charge +q and mass m enters at right angles to a uniform electric field of strength E with velocity y along OX-axis as shown in Fig. (a) .The electric field is distance x. figure (a) Since the electric field is along °Y-axis, no horizontal force acts on the charged particle entering the field. Therefore, the horizontal velocity y of the charged particle remains the same throughout the journey. The electric field accelerates the charged particle along °Y-axis only. Force on the charged particle, F = qE ... along OY This is the equation of a parabola. Therefore, inside the electric field, the charged particle follows a parabolic path OA. As the charged particle leaves the electric field at A, it follows a straight line path AB tangent to path OA at A. Note. When an electron (or a charged particle) at rest is accelerated through a potential difference (P.D.) of V volts, then, Energy imparted to electron = Charge x P.D. = e x V.
Here e is the charge on electron and m is the mass of electron. The velocity acquired by the electron is v. | |
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